Friday, May 22, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 6

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activations (& 2 Saved). Activate 1st Plt HQ & 3rd Plt HQ.
  • 1st PLT HQ - Draw a 1/0 card. -1 for Green = 0 Activation (& 1 Saved).
  • 3rd PLT HQ - Draw a 3/1 card. -1 for Green, +1 under Cover = 3 Activations.

I have been fairly luck thus far, with a lot of Activations available, so I have no right to complain, but...yeesh!

At any rate, most of my goal is to pull back from the AP, if at all possible, which will have the effect of taking the German HMG off the map and hopefully making my approach a bit easier.

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 3rd PLT: 2/3rd Plt attempt to spot the Sniper. Base draw is 2 cards. -1 for Sniper/FO; -1 for Under cover = 1 card. And that is all it takes, the Sniper is finally spotted! The units in the Village open fire, placing a Heavy Fire VOF, PDFs from the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) and the Village (R1C2), and a Crossfire marker. Pity he won't stay in place.
  • 1st PLT: Drops a Phone line (so I don't forget).

Initiative Segment
  • 2nd PLT HQ: Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green; +1 for Pinned = 2 Activations (& 3 Saved). Unfortunately, I have no use for them, so they will go to waste.
  • XO: 1 Activation;
  • XO: Calls for Indirect Fire from 1/60mm to the Orchard (R1C4). Place an "H" VOF on the card.
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (& 4 Saved)
  • 1st SGT: Activates the Jeep.
  • General Initiative: Draw a 5/3 Card. 3 Activations.

General Initiative Orders:
  • US 3/1st Plt in the AP (R2C3) moves to the Orchard/Grove (R1C3), which is allowed (despite being Pinned) because that card is occupied andnot under VOF. He is marked as Exposed. The German HMG Ceases Fire as a result. The German Squad in the Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5) also ceases fire, since his only remaining option is a card which contains a German unit.
  • 3/2nd Plt attempts another Grenade attack, drawing 2 cards. Neither of them has a grenade marker, so (once again) the card gets a Grenade Miss marker.
  • 1/.50Cal HMG moves to the Orchard/Grove (R1C3). The VOF he was placing on the Sniper's card is removed and replaced by Small Arms Fire. He is marked as exposed.

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

No HQ symbol appears.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase
  • German Sniper (R2C1): The Sniper is spotted so he moves to the Hedgerow/Bocage (R3C2) because it has the highest Cover rating. He is marked as Exposed. His PDF, Sniper Marker and VOF are removed from the Orchard/Grove (R1C1). He targets the Cemetery instead (R2C2), placing a PDF, Crossfire Marker, and a Sniper Marker, targeting the 2/1st Plt (by random draw).

  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "1" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C1): This unit is a Paralyzed Team not on a US-occupied card. He automatically does nothing.
  • German Litter Team (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "4" (out of 4) indicates he falls back, which takes him off the map.
  • German A/C Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover on a US-occupied card. A draw of "3" (out of 5) indicates he attempts to Rally and remove the Pinned marker. He draws one card (-1 because LATs are Green) and rallies, changing the VoF on this card to Automatic Weapons.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C4): This unit is a Paralyzed Team on a US-occupied card. He automatically does nothing.
  • German S/C Fire Team (R4C4): This unit does nothing, lacking a row on which to draw.
  • German 3/3rd (R4C5): This unit is Pinned, under cover. A draw of "4" (out of 4) indicates he Falls Back, which removes him from the map.
  • German 1/3rd Plt (R4C4): He has opened fire, but is not under fire. A draw of "2" (out of 2) indicates he attempts to Concentrate Fire, drawing 2 cards without effect.
  • German 2/HMG TM (R0C6): Not under fire and No LOS to a US unit, so he is removed. I don't bother placing a PC Marker, as this card is well beyond the Limit of Advance.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was finally activated.

It (and the 1st SGT) move to the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) where they can evacuate the broken squad from that card, including the Casualty LAT.

They draw for Mines (I forgot about them until after I moved!) but lucking they manage to avoid the minefield as none of the 3 cards drawn display a burst icon.

Mutual Combat Phase

The US LATs in the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) have their Pinned markers removed, since that card is no longer under any VOF.

Update Fire Missions

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

No Contact Markers have been triggered this turn.

Combat Effects Segment

Once again, resolving from lower left to upper right.
  • US Fire Team in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +3. The result is PIN so the Fire Team is Pinned.
  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +3. The result is PIN so the 1/1st Plt is also Pinned.
  • US 2/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; -3 for Sniper; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is 0. The result is PIN, so 2/1st Plt is also Pinned.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; +1 for Pinned; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is 0. The result is a MISS, so this LAT is no longer Pinned.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is -1. The result is HIT and the "Green" Hit Effect is "C" so the paralyzed LAT is replaced with a Casualty marker.
  • US 3/2nd in Woods (R3C3): Automatic Weapons VOF is -1; -1 for Grenade Miss; +2 for card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a MISS.
  • German A/C Fire Team in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a PIN.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS.
  • German 3/3rd Plt in Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5): -1 for Automatic Fire VOF; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a PIN.

Changes to VOF and PDFs:
  • The US Units in the Cemetery (R2C2) are all Pinned, so the VOF on the Orchard/Grove is changed to All Pinned.
  • The German A/C Fire Team in the Woods (R3C4) is Pinned, so the VOF on that card is changed to All Pinned.
I reduce Ammo for the German 1/1st Fire Team in (R3C4) (to 1). Mortar Ammo is reduced (to 3).

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed, as is the Grenade Miss marker.


A quieter turn, due to the pull back from the AP, which should allow me to get moving again next turn and set up for a final push toward my Objectives in the last 2 turns.

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