The map is dominated by a 2 level Hill, surmounted by a hedgerow, at R2C3. But it is also characterized by a lack of cover which means that the plan is not 100% dictated by terrain.
- Row 1 features a Village (R1C2) and a Woods (R1C4).
- Row 2 has a pair of hedgerows (R2C3, R2C4).
- Row 3 has a Hedgerow (R3C2) and a Woods (R3C4).
- Primary Objective: Hedgerow (R3/C2)
- Secondary Objective: Woods (R3/C4)
- Attack Position: Hedgerow, 2 Hills (R2/C3)
I considered the Cemetery (R2C2) which would be good if I get a heavy building cover. But there is just 1 cover potential and I would have to set my Secondary Objective as either the Orchard or Open field...and neither is attractive.
The Plan:
- 1st PLT will set up in the center and start by taking the Village (R1, C2). The Upper floor will make a good place for the HMG. From there they can branch out to take the AP or Cemetary, before heading for Objective 1.
- 2nd PLT will take the right flank and either go straight for Objective 2, or help take the AP, if needed.
- 3rd PLT is on the left, waiting to see what develops.
In terms of setup, I don't think there's much to be surprised about.
Weapons Team Assignments:
- 1st PLT: 1/Wpn (MG), 1/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/1st
- 2nd PLT: 2/Wpn (MG), 2/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/2nd
- 3rd PLT: 3/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/3rd
- Company: 1/60mm Mortar, 1/.50cal HMG
- Red (RSC, RSP, RS) = Cease Fire
- Green (GSC, GSP, GS) - Advance, infiltrate if possible, toward PO
- Yellow - Shift fire, left if possible
- Purple - Shift fire, right if possible
I won't bother noting who has radios, since that is self-evident from the setup.
- XO HQ: GSP; RSP; Phone Line
- 1st SGT: Phone Line
- 1st PLT HQ: Green, Red, Yellow Smoke; Smoke; WP; 3 Phone Lines
- 2nd PLT HQ: Purple Smoke; Smoke; WP; 2 Phone Lines
- 3rd PLT HQ: Phone Line
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