Friday, May 22, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 6

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activations (& 2 Saved). Activate 1st Plt HQ & 3rd Plt HQ.
  • 1st PLT HQ - Draw a 1/0 card. -1 for Green = 0 Activation (& 1 Saved).
  • 3rd PLT HQ - Draw a 3/1 card. -1 for Green, +1 under Cover = 3 Activations.

I have been fairly luck thus far, with a lot of Activations available, so I have no right to complain, but...yeesh!

At any rate, most of my goal is to pull back from the AP, if at all possible, which will have the effect of taking the German HMG off the map and hopefully making my approach a bit easier.

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 3rd PLT: 2/3rd Plt attempt to spot the Sniper. Base draw is 2 cards. -1 for Sniper/FO; -1 for Under cover = 1 card. And that is all it takes, the Sniper is finally spotted! The units in the Village open fire, placing a Heavy Fire VOF, PDFs from the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) and the Village (R1C2), and a Crossfire marker. Pity he won't stay in place.
  • 1st PLT: Drops a Phone line (so I don't forget).

Initiative Segment
  • 2nd PLT HQ: Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green; +1 for Pinned = 2 Activations (& 3 Saved). Unfortunately, I have no use for them, so they will go to waste.
  • XO: 1 Activation;
  • XO: Calls for Indirect Fire from 1/60mm to the Orchard (R1C4). Place an "H" VOF on the card.
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (& 4 Saved)
  • 1st SGT: Activates the Jeep.
  • General Initiative: Draw a 5/3 Card. 3 Activations.

General Initiative Orders:
  • US 3/1st Plt in the AP (R2C3) moves to the Orchard/Grove (R1C3), which is allowed (despite being Pinned) because that card is occupied andnot under VOF. He is marked as Exposed. The German HMG Ceases Fire as a result. The German Squad in the Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5) also ceases fire, since his only remaining option is a card which contains a German unit.
  • 3/2nd Plt attempts another Grenade attack, drawing 2 cards. Neither of them has a grenade marker, so (once again) the card gets a Grenade Miss marker.
  • 1/.50Cal HMG moves to the Orchard/Grove (R1C3). The VOF he was placing on the Sniper's card is removed and replaced by Small Arms Fire. He is marked as exposed.

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

No HQ symbol appears.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase
  • German Sniper (R2C1): The Sniper is spotted so he moves to the Hedgerow/Bocage (R3C2) because it has the highest Cover rating. He is marked as Exposed. His PDF, Sniper Marker and VOF are removed from the Orchard/Grove (R1C1). He targets the Cemetery instead (R2C2), placing a PDF, Crossfire Marker, and a Sniper Marker, targeting the 2/1st Plt (by random draw).

  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "1" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C1): This unit is a Paralyzed Team not on a US-occupied card. He automatically does nothing.
  • German Litter Team (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "4" (out of 4) indicates he falls back, which takes him off the map.
  • German A/C Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover on a US-occupied card. A draw of "3" (out of 5) indicates he attempts to Rally and remove the Pinned marker. He draws one card (-1 because LATs are Green) and rallies, changing the VoF on this card to Automatic Weapons.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C4): This unit is a Paralyzed Team on a US-occupied card. He automatically does nothing.
  • German S/C Fire Team (R4C4): This unit does nothing, lacking a row on which to draw.
  • German 3/3rd (R4C5): This unit is Pinned, under cover. A draw of "4" (out of 4) indicates he Falls Back, which removes him from the map.
  • German 1/3rd Plt (R4C4): He has opened fire, but is not under fire. A draw of "2" (out of 2) indicates he attempts to Concentrate Fire, drawing 2 cards without effect.
  • German 2/HMG TM (R0C6): Not under fire and No LOS to a US unit, so he is removed. I don't bother placing a PC Marker, as this card is well beyond the Limit of Advance.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was finally activated.

It (and the 1st SGT) move to the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) where they can evacuate the broken squad from that card, including the Casualty LAT.

They draw for Mines (I forgot about them until after I moved!) but lucking they manage to avoid the minefield as none of the 3 cards drawn display a burst icon.

Mutual Combat Phase

The US LATs in the Orchard/Grove (R1C1) have their Pinned markers removed, since that card is no longer under any VOF.

Update Fire Missions

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

No Contact Markers have been triggered this turn.

Combat Effects Segment

Once again, resolving from lower left to upper right.
  • US Fire Team in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +3. The result is PIN so the Fire Team is Pinned.
  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +3. The result is PIN so the 1/1st Plt is also Pinned.
  • US 2/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; -3 for Sniper; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is 0. The result is PIN, so 2/1st Plt is also Pinned.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; +1 for Pinned; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is 0. The result is a MISS, so this LAT is no longer Pinned.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is -1. The result is HIT and the "Green" Hit Effect is "C" so the paralyzed LAT is replaced with a Casualty marker.
  • US 3/2nd in Woods (R3C3): Automatic Weapons VOF is -1; -1 for Grenade Miss; +2 for card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a MISS.
  • German A/C Fire Team in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a PIN.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS.
  • German 3/3rd Plt in Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5): -1 for Automatic Fire VOF; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a PIN.

Changes to VOF and PDFs:
  • The US Units in the Cemetery (R2C2) are all Pinned, so the VOF on the Orchard/Grove is changed to All Pinned.
  • The German A/C Fire Team in the Woods (R3C4) is Pinned, so the VOF on that card is changed to All Pinned.
I reduce Ammo for the German 1/1st Fire Team in (R3C4) (to 1). Mortar Ammo is reduced (to 3).

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed, as is the Grenade Miss marker.


A quieter turn, due to the pull back from the AP, which should allow me to get moving again next turn and set up for a final push toward my Objectives in the last 2 turns.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 5

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs. Eerily quiet from the HQ on both sides!

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 4/3 card. -1 for Green, = 3 Activations (& 1 Saved). Activate 2nd Plt HQ & 3rd Plt HQ. Save 2 Activations.
  • 2nd PLT HQ - Draw a 5/3 card. -1 for Green, +1 Under Cover = 5 Activation (& 1 Saved).
  • 3rd PLT HQ - Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green, = 2 Activations.
3rd PLT has been a real laggard so far.

I am going to push most of 2nd PLT forward into the Hedgerow/Bocage (R2C4), and then push the 3/2nd Plt, which is already there, forward into the 2nd Objective Hex.

3rd PLT, meanwhile, is going to skirt the Minefield and get into the Village where I hope to gain a chance to spot the Sniper and force him to fall back.

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 2nd PLT: Platoon Move into the Hedgerow/Bocage (R2C4). Units marked as Exposed. Everyone goes into cover, which overloads the cover again. But now 3/2nd is in communication. He leaves a Phone line behind him.
  • 2nd PLT: 3/2nd Plt attempts to infiltrate into the Objective 2, the Woods at R3C4. 3/2nd is Line, so he draws 2 cards, but is not successful, so he is marked as exposed. Activity Marker is changed to Heavily Engaged.
  • 3rd PLT: Platoon move into the Village (R1C2). 3/Wpns (Bazooka) goes into the Upper Story. Everyone else into the Strong Building. All units are marked as Exposed.

Initiative Segment
  • 1st PLT HQ: Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green = 1 Activation (& 2 Saved)
  • 1st PLT HQ: 2/1st Plt attempt to Infiltrate into the Cemetery. he draws 2 cards (Line) but fails, so he is marked as Exposed while ducking quickly into cover. This does, however, change the VOF marker on the Orchard (R3C1) to Small Arms.
  • XO: Fires off his RSP, which causes all US Units to Cease Fire. This is intended to protect the US unit on the Obj2 card, which is currently under US fire. PDFs and VOFs are replaced as US Units re-open fire. Small Arms VOF on Objective 2 (R3C4) from the unit occupying the card itself. Small Arms and a PDF are placed in the Orchard (R3C1) coming from the cemetery. The units in the AP and the Hedgerow card adjacent hold their fire since there is a US unit on the card in their LOS.

  • XO: 1 Activation (& 1 Saved)
  • XO: Calls for Indirect Fire from 1/60mm to the 1/2nd German Position (R1C4). Place an "H" VOF on the card.
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (saved, he now has 4 saved)
  • General Initiative: Draw a 5/4 Card! 4 Activations.

General Initiative Orders:
  • 3 Wpns (Bazooka) in the Upper Story attempts to spot the Sniper. Base draw is 2 cards. +1 for being at a higher elevation; -1 for Sniper/FO; -1 for Under cover = 1 card. No luck.
  • 3/2nd Plt (R3C4) attempts to seek cover. The card allows him 4 draws, and he finds cover with the last card drawn.
  • 3/2nd attempts a grenade attack against the Foxhole cover marker. The German units are not in Good Order (they are LATs and Pinned) so they do not get to make a reciprocal attack. 3/2nd draws 2 cards, looking for a grenade icon, but is not successful. A Grenade Miss marker is placed instead.
  • 3/1st atop the AP also attempt to spot the Sniper. Base draw is 2 cards. +1 for being at a higher elevation; -1 for Sniper/FO; -1 for Under cover = 1 card. He is also unsuccessful.

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

An HQ symbol appears, and a subsequent draw of 10 means the Germans counter-attack! Random PC markers are placed all over the map and my nice quiet ride may be at an end.

Luckily, I am currently Heavily Engaged, so there will not be too many cards drawn for each marker, which should limit the damage.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase
  • German Sniper (R2C1): The Sniper, so long as he is not spotted, continues to attack the card which brought it into play, so there is no change for the Sniper.
  • German A/C Fire Team (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "3" (out of 4) indicates he attempts to Rally and remove the Pinned marker. He draws one card (-1 because LATs are Green) which has no Effect.
  • German Paralyzed Team (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "1" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German Litter Team (R3C1): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "4" (out of 4) indicates he falls back, which takes him off the map.
  • German A/C Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover on a US-occupied card. A draw of "3" (out of 5) indicates he attempts to Rally and remove the Pinned marker. He draws one card (-1 because LATs are Green) which has no Effect.
  • German S/C Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is a Fire Team under cover on a US-occupied card. A draw of "5" (out of 5) indicates he falls back, into the Woods (R4C4); he goes into cover and is marked as Exposed. This removes the unspotted marker from the German squad currently under cover on that card.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C4): This unit is a Paralyzed Team on a US-occupied card. He automatically takes no action.
  • German 1/3rd Plt (R4C4): He has opened fire, but is not under fire. A draw of "1" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German Sniper: Randomly selects to target the 1/3rd Plt (flipped) with sniper fire.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was not activated, so this is skipped.

Mutual Combat Phase

Update Fire Missions

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

I drew randomly to determine the order in which contact markers were exposed and then resolved. For simplicity in transcribing, however, they are ordered from bottom left to top right:
  • Orchard/Grove (R1C1): Potential Contact "B". Two cards drawn, no contact.
  • Village (R1C2): Potential Contact "C". One card drawn, no contact.
  • Orchard/Grove (R1C3): Potential Contact "C". One card drawn, no contact.
  • Cemetery (R2C2): Potential Contact "B". Two cards drawn, no contact.
  • Hedgerow/Bocage on Hills (R2C3): Potential Contact "B". Two cards drawn, Contact (the results of this contact are shown below).
  • Hedgerow/Bocage (R2C4): Potential Contact "A". Three cards drawn, no contact.
  • Woods (R3C4): Potential Contact "B". Two cards drawn, no contact. (The original Contact Marker was also "B", so only one was resolved.)

Hedgerow/Bocage on Hills (R2C3) Contact:
  • A draw of 8 indicates this is an HMG Nest which, checking the Force Packgage table is a Squad and an HMG Team.
  • The Squad is drawn first, and the 3/3rd Plt (S/L) is selected. Placement draw is 10 so the Squad is placed Right Front at Max LOS. This unit is able to fire at "L" Range, and the US Units are on a 2 Elevation Hill, so the map is extended over the Woods (R3C4) to R4C5, where a Hedgerow/Bocage is placed. At least this card has white edges on the side facing the US troops, so it will have lower cover. The Sqaud is placed, spotted, under Foxholes and spotted, per the Force Package Table.
  • The HMG Team draws for placement, and gets an 8, which is Left Front at Max LOS. This unit has a range of "V" so it can fire from 3 cards away, which is also going to extend the map. I start by drawing terrain for R1C5, with the result being Hedgerow/Bocage. Since the LOS will not be blocked by this card, I draw again for R0C6, which is a Church. The HMG is placed under a Foxhole on this card.
  • As a result, in the US-occupied Hedgerow/Bocage, the HMG changes VOF to "A", adds a Crossfire marker and places PDFs along the firing path. This causes the PDF to cross a card with a Potential Contact Marker (Hedgerow/Bocage at R3C2), however because the German unit is firing upward, the marker remains in place. The newly-placed German Squad also places PDFs, but there is no other effect.
  • The US 1Wpns (MG) places an "A" VOF marker on the Hedgerow/Bocage containing the German 3/3rd, firing over the head of the US units in the Woods at R3C4. The PDFs along this path are flipped to the reciprocal side.

Combat Effects Segment

Once again, resolving from lower left to upper right.

  • US 1/3rd Plt in Orchard (R1C1): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -3 for Sniper; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is 0. The result is a HIT. The Hit Effects draw (Line) shows "LC", so the 1/3rd is removed and a Litter Team and a Casualty are placed on the card.
  • US Fire Team in Orchard (R1C1): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +3. The result is a MISS. The Pinned marker is removed.
  • US Fire Team in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +4. The result is a MISS and the Fire Team is unpinned.
  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +3. The result is a MISS and the Squad is unpinned.
  • US 2/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2): +0 for Small Arms VOF; -1 for Crossfire; -2 for Exposed; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a MISS.
  • US 3/1st in Hedgerow/Bocage on Hills (R2C3): -1 for Automatic Fire VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Crossfire. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a PIN, so the unit is Pinned.
  • US 1 Wpns in Hedgerow/Bocage on Hills (R2C3): -1 for Automatic Fire VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Crossfire. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a HIT and the Hit Effect (for Line) is "C", so the MG becomes a casualty.
  • German A/C Fire Team in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; +1 for Pinned; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is 0. The result is a HIT. The Hit Effects draw (Green) shows "PP", so the Fire Team is replaced with a Paralyzed LAT, which remains Pinned.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Orchard/Grove (R3C1): -3 for Heavy VOF (Mortars); +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; +1 for Pinned; -1 for Burst Icon. Final Modifier is 0. The result is a MISS, so this Paralyzed LAT is no longer Pinned.
  • US 3/2nd in Woods (R3C3): All Pinned VOF is +2; -2 for Exposed; -1 for Grenade Miss; +2 for card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS.
  • German A/C Fire Team in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +3. The result is a PIN.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Woods (R3C3): +0 for Small Arms VOF; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; -1 for Grenade Miss. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS.
  • German 3/3rd Plt in Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5): -1 for Automatic Fire VOF; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a PIN.

Changes to VOF and PDFs:
  • The Orchard/Grove (R3C1) is no longer generating any fire, so the PDF is flipped and the crossfire marker removed from the units in the Cemetery. VOF remains the same.
  • The elimination of 1Wpns in the Hedgerow/Bocage on Hills (R2C3) reduces the VOF on the German 3/3rd Plt in Hedgerow/Bocage (R4C5) to Small Arms.
  • The VOF on the Orchard/Grove (R3C1)is reduced to Small Arms, after the Mortars are done.

I reduce the German 1/1st Fire Team in R3C4) (to 2). Mortar Ammo is reduced (to 4). German 2nd HMG Ammo is reduced to 7.

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed, as is the Grenade Miss marker.


My first casualties and the unfortunate elimination of 1 Wpns mar the effort.

All things considered, however, it could have been a lot worse, what with the German counter-attack.

That said, getting into Row 3 is going to be hairy under the current situation, as the Germans have a line of units past our Limit of Advance causing problems.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 4

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activation (& 2 Saved). Activate 2nd Plt HQ & 3rd Plt HQ.
  • 2nd PLT HQ - Draw a 1/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activation (& 3 Saved).
  • 3rd PLT HQ - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activation.
Not a lot to work with this turn.

I am going to push a unit from 3rd Plt forward to the Orchard (R1C1) from which the Arty FO could put artillery into the Woods at R4C4, as well as clearing the back row. Hopefully with Activity at Engaged, I won't find anything bad.

I'll also get someone from 2nd Platoon into the Woods (R2C4) to add pressure to Objective 2 (Woods at R3C4).

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 2nd PLT: Platoon Move to the Woods. Units marked as Exposed. Everyone goes into cover, which overloads the cover quite a bit. But I intend to move units out next turn, so hopefully I won't find myself regretting the overload.
  • 2nd PLT: Order Cease Fire. I take the PDFs away, change the VoF on R3C4 to All Pinned, and remove the Crossfire marker.
  • 2nd PLT: 3/2nd Moves forward to the Woods (R2C4), Marked as Exposed. He places an "S" VOF in the Woods and restores the Crossfire marker.
  • 3rd PLT: Move 1/3rd to the Orchard (R1C1). He is marked as Exposed.

Initiative Segment
  • 1st PLT HQ: Draw a 4/3 card. -1 for Green, +1 for being under cover = 3 Activations (& 1 Saved)
  • 1st PLT HQ: Orders 1 Wpns (MG) to infiltrate to the AP. Draw 2 Cards (1 Wpns (MG) is Line) but there is no Infiltrate marker, so they are marked as Exposed, although under cover. 1Wpns (MG) opens fire along the same PDF, so VOF into the Woods (R3C4) is back to the "A" level.
  • 1st PLT HQ: Moves to the Orchard (to join 2/1st). He is marked as Exposed.
  • 1st PLT: Seeks cover, drawing 3 cards, but to no avail.
  • XO: 1 Activation (& 3 Saved)
  • XO: Orders 1/60mm Mortar to the Orchard (R1C3). Marked as Exposed.
  • XO: Moves to the Orchard to the Orchard (R1C3). Marked as Exposed.
  • XO: Calls for Indirect Fire from 1/60mm to the 1/2nd German Position (R1C4). Place an "H" VOF on the card.
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (saved)

General Initiative Orders:
  • General Initiative: Draw a 5/3 Card. 3 Activations
  • 1/3rd seeks cover in the Orchard (R1C1). He draws 3 Cards and finds cover.
  • 1 Wpns (Bazooza) moves to the Orchard and is marked as Exposed.
  • 3.2nd Plt seeks cover in the Hedgerow/Bocage (R2C4) and finds cover

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

No HQ Event card is drawn, so no effect.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase
  • German 1/2nd Plt (R3C1): He is trading fire with a unit in the Cemetery but the best US unit has a better NCM, because of the Mortars. His card draw indicates that he take no action, so he maintains his fire into the Cemetery.
  • German A/L Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "1" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German S/C Fire Team (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "3" (out of 4) indicates he attempts to Rally and remove the Pinned marker. He draws one card (-1 because LATs are Green) which has no Effect.
  • German Paralyzed LAT (R3C4): This unit is pinned under cover. A draw of "2" (out of 4) indicates he takes no action.
  • German 1/3rd Plt (R4C4): He has opened fire, but is not under fire, so he attempts to concentrate fire on the cemetery, unsuccessfully.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was not activated, so this is skipped.

Mutual Combat Phase

Update Fire Missions

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

Orchard/Grove (R1C1) Contact
  • Potential Contact C (2 cards at "Engaged") - Contact occurs!
  • A draw of 7 indicates this is Mines and a Sniper.
  • The US 1/3rd Plt immediately undergoes a Mine Check which results in a Burst marker, and the unit is hit! So the Mine marker is placed on the card, and flipped to the -4 side.
  • Drawing for placement of the sniper (5) indicates that he goes to the front at Max LOS, which puts him in the Orchard (R2C1). He is not spotted and placed under normal cover (+1). A Small Arms VOF and PDF are placed to indicate the Sniper is firing into the Orchard, and the Sniper marker is placed on the 1/3rd.
1/3rd Platoon is in big trouble!

Combat Effects Segment

Quite a bit of Combat going on this turn. Resolving from lower left to upper right.
  • US 1/3rd Plt in Orchard (R1C1) - Mines NCM is -4; -3 for Sniper; -2 for Exposed; +1 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is -4 (the max). The result is a Hit, unsurprisingly. The Hit Effects draw (Line) shows "F", so the 1/3rd is flipped and a Fire Team is placed on the card. Both units are pinned. Truly fortunate!
  • US Fire Team in Cemetery (R2C2) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a Hit. The Hit Effects draw (Green) shows "FC", and since the unit has only one step, the "F" is used, which results in no change. The Fire team is Pinned, however.
  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +2. The result is PIN, so a Pinned marker is also placed on this unit.
  • US 3/1st in Hedgerow (R2C3) - All Pinned VOF is +2; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +5. The result is a MISS, and the Pinned Marker is removed.
  • US 1 Wpns in Hedgerow (R2C3) - All Pinned VOF is +2; -2 for Exposed; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +3. The result is a MISS.
  • German 1/2nd in Orchard/Grove (R3C1) - "H" VOF is -3; +1 for Card; +2 for Cover; -1 for Burst marker on card. Final Modifier is -1. The result is a HIT. The Hit Effects draw (Green) shows "PL", so the unit is broken down into an A/C Fire Team, a Paralyzed LAT, and a Litter LAT. All three are pinned.
  • German A/C Fire Team in Woods (R3C3) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a PIN.
  • German S/C Fire Team in Woods (R3C3) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS which removes the Pinned Marker.
  • German Paralyzed LAT in Woods (R3C3) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover; +1 for Pinned. Final Modifier is +2. The result is a MISS which removes the Pinned Marker.
As a result, there are two changes in VOF:
  • VOF on the Cemetery (R2C2) changes to Small Arms.
  • VOF on the Orchard/Grove (R1C4) changes to All Pinned.
I reduce US 1/Wpns Ammo (to 3) and the German 1/1st Fire Team (to 3) & 1/2nd Fire Team (to 2). The Mortar Ammo is also reduced (to 5) and the Mines Marker is flipped.

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed.


1/3rd dodged a serious bullet, although that sniper is going to remain pesky unless we can make him fall back into the Orchard where he will be spotted and then deal with him.

The mines shouldn't be too much trouble, because we can simply enter the map from through the Village instead.

On the right flank, the German LATs are no longer pinned, and I am actually hopeful this will result in them falling back to the Woods (R4C4) which will cause the last German squad on the map to be spotted.

So far, luck has been my best weapon!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 3

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 5/3 card. -1 for Green, = 4 Activations. Activate 1st & 2nd PLT, and also order 1 Wpns forward.
  • 1st PLT HQ - Draw a 3/1 card. -1 for Green, = 2 Activations.
  • 2nd PLT HQ - Draw a 4/3 card. -1 for Green, = 3 Activations.
I feel like I am in a bit of a pickle right now, with no really good places to move. 2nd Platoon is bottled up and will need to engage with the German 1/1st. I could wait for that unit to come off board, but then I feel like I will be wasting too much time. So I will push forward to the AP and then bring on the 2nd Platoon to see if I can catch the German 1/1st in a crossfire.

The unit in the Cemetery needs to stay there and tough it out. He has good modifiers, so he might be able to survive for a while. If I can get the Pinned marker removed, he can be used for spotting the two hidden units which have him in a cross-fire.

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 1st PLT: 1st Plt HQ moves to the cover of the Strong Building and is marked as Exposed. Now 3/st is in Communication and can be moved.
  • 1st PLT: 3/1st Plt moves to the AP (R2C3) & is marked as Exposed. That brings him into view of the German in R3C4, so both of them open fire on each other. Activity Level moves to Engaged.
  • 2nd PLT: 2/2nd moves to the Woods (R1C4). Exposed, but under cover. He also places a PDF on R2C3, adding crossfire marker. VOF stays the same since 2/2nd is also "S"
  • 2nd PLT: 2Wpns moves to the Woods (R1C4). Exposed, but under cover. His presence changes the VOF on R2C3 to "A".
  • 2nd PLT: Save 1 Command.
Initiative Segment
  • 3rd PLT HQ: 3/1 - Draw a 3/1 card. -1 for Green, = 0 Activations.
  • XO: 1 Activation (saved)
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (saved)
  • General Initiative: 3/2 = 2 Activations.

General Initiative Orders:
  • 3/1st Plt Seeks Cover in AP Hedgerows atop the Hills. He draws 4 cards, and finds cover under a +1 marker.
  • 2/1st Plt attempts to spot the unit firing from the Orchard (R3C1). He draws 2 cards (unmodified since he is Line) the second of which contains a cross hairs, which enables him to spot the unit. An "All Pinned" VOF is placed on the Orchard, coming from the Cemetery. The Units in the Orchard themselves do not open fire, since they would be firing through one of their own units.

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

No HQ Event card is drawn, so no effect.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase
  • German 1/2nd Plt (R3C1): He is trading fire with a unit in the Cemetery that has a worse VOF, and his card draw indicates that he will attempt to concentrate fire. He draws 2 cards, and succeeds at finding a target marker so a Concentrate Fire marker is placed.
  • German 1/1st Plt (R3C4): This unit is under fire from a PDF that is not his own, but draws a "1" so he takes no action and keeps firing at the AP.
  • German 1/3rd Plt (R4C4): He has opened fire, but is not under fire, so he attempts to concentrate fire, unsuccessfully.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was not activated, so this is skipped.

Mutual Combat Phase

Update Fire Missions

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

Hedgerow/Bocage (R2C3) Contact
  • Potential Contact A (5 cards at "Engaged") - 4 cards are drawn with no contact. The 5th card forces a Reshuffle. After reshuffling, the 5th card forces another Reshuffle (the game is taunting me and trying to build suspense)! The 5th card finally results Contact.

Combat Effects Segment

Quite a bit of Combat going on this turn. Resolving from lower left to upper right.

  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C2) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Concentrated Fire; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a Miss. The Pinned marker is removed.
  • US Fire Team in Cemetery (R2C2) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Concentrated Fire; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a Miss. The Pinned marker is removed.
  • US 3/1st in Hedgerow (R2C3) - A VOF is -1; -2 for Exposed; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is -1. The result is a PIN. A Pinned marker is added.
  • German 1/2nd in Orchard/Grove (R3C1) - All Pinned VOF is +2; +1 for Card; +2 for Cover. Final Modifier is +5. The result is a MISS.
  • German 1/1st in Woods (R3C3) - A VOF is -1; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is +1. The result is a HIT. The result under Line is PF, so the unit is eliminated and an A/C Fire Team put in its place. Another Fire Team (S/C) and a Paralyzed Team are also put onto the card. All of these units are Pinned.
I reduce Ammo for the US 2/Wpns (to 3) and the German 1/1st (to 4) . The German 1/2nd Plt Ammo is reduced by 2 (to 3) because it Concentrated Fire.

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed. I adjust the VOF on the AP (R2C3) to All Pinned, since all of the German LATs in the Woods are now Pinned. I also adjust the VOF on the Orchard (R3C1) to "S" because the US units in the Cemetery are no longer Pinned.


So far, I feel like the US has been exceedingly lucky, frankly.

Hopefully next turn I can push forward to the AP, plus get some spotting done.

The decimated German unit in the Woods on our right (R3C4) will allow me to get 2nd Platoon moving forward again, and I may even look to push 3rd Platoon forward, finally.

I want to bring my Artillery and Mortar into the action, but am having trouble finding a vantage point for doing that.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 2

HQ Higher Event

No HQ symbol is found on the Action Card, so no Event occurs.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment

I want to be a little cautious this turn and not try to push too much forward, because I know I am going to need at least two General Initiative Commands to seek cover for any Squad I advance and to retreat the US 2/1 Plt out of the killing zone it is in.

My next goals are to take the Attack Position (R2C2) and get a squad into the Cemetery (hopefully a Strong Building cover).

But I don't think I can accomplish all that this turn, so I am going to focus on the cemetery right now. Neither the HMG or the German 1/1 Plt have LOS to the Cemetery, so whatever I encounter there can be dealt with in isolation.

Command Draws
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activation, which is used to activate 1st PLT.
  • 1st PLT HQ - Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green, = 2 Activations.
With Saved Commands, that leaves 3 commands for 1st Platoon.

Activation Segment - Orders:
  • 1st PLT: 1st Plt HQ moves to the Village (R1C2); it is marked as Exposed. It does not go under cover because I want him in communication with 1/1st Plt.
  • 1st PLT: 1/1st Plt moves to the Cemetery (R2C2) & is marked as Exposed.
  • 1st PLT: Save 1 Command.
Initiative Segment
  • 2nd PLT HQ - Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green, = 1 Activations, which is saved.
  • 3rd PLT HQ: 1/0 - No Actions.
  • XO: 1 Activation (saved)
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation, used to move HMG to Village (R1C2) and into the Upper Story cover marker. It is marked as Exposed.
  • General Initiative: 3/2. That is just enough to do what I need this turn.

General Initiative Orders:
  • 1/1st Plt Seeks Cover in the Cemetery. He draws 3 cards, one of which provides cover. A subsequent draw of "3" means that he has found a Strong Building in which to hide. Just what I was looking for!
  • 1/2nd Plt Moves to the Orchard/Grove (R1C3). This is allowed (despite being Pinned) since that card is Occupied and not under a VOF. 1/2nd is marked as Exposed. The VOF generated by 1/2nd is removed from R2C5, which reduces the Activity Level to Contact.

Offensive Mission: Higher HQ Event

No HQ Event card is drawn, so no effect.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase

  • German 1/1 Plt: As near as I can tell, I still use the "Pinned under cover" Activity Chart, since the Pinned marker gets removed at the beginning of the Combat Effects Segment because there is no VOF on the card (errata for 3.7.1). I get a Fall Back result, in which case the unit retreats to the Woods with the HMG (R3C4), and gains an Exposed marker. I also assume the unit moves under the existing Cover marker on the card, so I place it in the Trench. The PDF and Crossfire marker on R1C4 are removed.
  • German HMG: Has no VOF and no LOS to a US unit, so it gets removed and a PC Marker placed. But since there is already a PC marker in place on this card, I do not place an additional one. The VOF and PDF markers from this unit are removed and Activity Level falls to No Contact once again.
When I started the turn I didn't actually realize that moving 1/2nd Plt out of the LOS of the HMG would have the effect of removing it from the map. This is something to remember when facing heavy units.

On the downside, the US 1/1st is now guaranteed some sort of contact, because the activity level is No Contact and the Potential Contact Marker is "A".

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was not activated, so this is skipped.

Mutual Combat Phase

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so we skip that step.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers

Only one contact marker to evaluate this turn.

Cemetery (R2C2) Contact:
  • Potential Contact A (Automatic at "No Contact") - No cards are drawn.
  • Next I determine what I have found by drawing randomly from 10, and I get a 4 which under Potential Contact A is Defensive Position.
  • That turns out to be Squad / Squad, according to the Force Package Table.
  • Squad 1, drawn randomly, is the 1/2nd Plt (A/L). Unit Placement draw is 7, which is Left Front at Max LOS, so this squad goes into the Orchard (R3C1) underneath a Trench (default cover). VOF A and a PDF are placed, pointing at the cemetery. The unit is not spotted. Activity moves to Contact.
  • Squad 2, drawn randomly, is the 1/3rd Plt (S/L). Unit Placement draw is 10, which is Right Front at Max LOS. The Open Fields at R3C3 allow LOS to continue past that card, so a new Terrain Card (Woods) is drawn and placed at R4C4. The German 1/3rd goes into those Woods underneath a Trench (default cover). PDF are placed, pointing at the cemetery, and adding a Crossfire VOF to the Cemetery. Firing through the Open Fields removes the PC Marker from that card. The unit is not spotted.
  • Both units are added to the Mission Log.
It's important for me to note and remember that the Orchard at R1C3 now has LOS to R3C1 (through the Cemetery), so those units may find themselves under fire next turn.

Combat Effects Segment

The first thing that happens is the Pinned markers come off the German 1/1st and the US 1/2nd, since both find themselves on cards without any VOF.

Only one card has a VOF (the Cemetery):
  • US 1/1st Plt in Cemetery (R2C1) - "A" VOF is -1; -2 for Exposed; -1 for Crossfire; +1 for Card; +3 for Cover. Final Modifier is 0. Result is HIT and the result for Line is F, so 1/1st Plt is Pinned, flipped to its reverse side, and a Fire Team added to the card.
I reduce German 1/2nd Plt Ammo by 1.

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed.

Stiff resistance so far, but not a lot of casualties. We'll see if 1/1st can hang on in the Cemetery, using the strong cover for protection, while I try to maneuver units into position to take some of the pressure off.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Turn 1

On Turn 1, in an Offensive Mission, I can skip ahead to the Friendly Command Phase because HQ Higher Event is skipped and Defensive Mission is not used.

Friendly Command Phase

Activation Segment
  • BN HQ Impulse - Not on the map, so CO HQ is activated automatically.
  • CO HQ Impulse - Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green, +1 for No Contact = 3 Activations. 1 used to activate 1st PLT, one to Activate 2nd PLT. 1 is saved.
  • 1st PLT HQ - Draw a 3/2 card. -1 for Green, +1 for No Contact = 3 Activations.
  • 2nd PLT HQ - - Draw a 2/1 card. -1 for Green, +1 for No Contact = 2 Activations.
That gives me what I need to accomplish my main Turn 1 goals:
  • 1st PLT: 1/1st Plt to the Village (R1C2) & marked as Exposed.
  • 1st PLT: 2/1st Plt to Orchard (R1C3 - in front of AP) & marked as Exposed.
  • 1st PLT: Save 1 Command.
  • 2nd PLT: 1/2nd Plt to Woods (R1C4) & marked as Exposed.
  • 2nd PLT: Save 1 Command.

Initiative Segment

  • 3rd PLT: 1/0 - No Actions.
  • XO: 1 Activation (saved)
  • 1st SGT: 1 Activation (saved)
  • General Initiative: 5/4! That's a really nice result which will allow me to have all 3 units seek cover.
General Initiative Orders:
  • 1/1st Plt Seeks Cover in the village. He draws 4 cards, but none of them provide cover. Unfortunate, as finding cover in the Village is central to the overall plan and this could delay that effort.
  • 1/2nd Plt Seeks Cover in the Woods. He also draws 4 cards. One of these cards is the reshuffle card, and the 4th card finally provides cover, so he gets a +1 Cover marker.
  • With 2 activations left, I decide to take a risk and push 3/1st Plt forward to the Village and have him seek cover, instead of having 2/1st Plt seek cover. He finds cover, and a subsequent draw reveals a "3" in the 5 column, which means he finds the all-important Strong Building, plus an Upper Story. 3/1st Plt goes under the strong building cover.
This may allow me to push the HMG forward into the Upper story next turn, providing a strong base of fire.

Offensive Mission: Enemy Activity Phase

There is no Higher HQ Event Segment on Turn 1 and no enemy units are on the board (yet) so this Phase is skipped.

Mutual Capture & Retreat Phase

No one meets the criteria yet, so this is skipped.

Mutual Vehicle-Aircraft Phase

The Jeep was not activated, so this is skipped.

Mutual Combat Phase

There are no Fire Missions to Update, so this is skipped.

Now we'll see how much I end up (or rather how much 2/1st Plt ends up) regretting the decision to deny them a chance to seek cover.

Evaluate Potential Contact Markers
I draw randomly to determine which card to evaluate first, and it turns out to be the Woods (R1C4). I will again draw randomly to determine the second card to evaluate after determining any contact on the first card.

Woods (R1C4) Contact
  • Potential Contact C (4 cards at "No Contact") - The first card leads to contact (all 4 are still drawn, however).
  • Next I determine what I have found by drawing randomly from 10, and I get a 10 which under Potential Contact C is a HMG Nest!
  • That turns out to be Squad / HMG Team under Foxholes, according to the Force Package Table.
  • I deal with the Squad first, drawing randomly from the available German forces to get the 1/1 Plt, which is an A/L Squad. The Unit Placement draw is 10, which indicates Right Front at Max LOS. This forces me to extend the map past the Right Boundary. I draw an Orchard/Grove and place it at R2C5 and put the Squad under Foxholes (the scenario default is trenches, but the Force Package Table says Foxholes).
  • Next I deal with the 1st HMG Team. The Unit Placement draw is 1 which is "Per Package Table Placement" which is "At Max LOS". The hedgerow to the front of US 1/2nd Plt has white borders on the near and far sides, meaning LOS extends to Row 3, so the HMG is placed in the Woods (R3C4) under Foxholes.
  • Both German units place a VOF on the card with US 1/2nd Plt, per the Force Package Table. An "H" VOF is placed on the Wood Card, since the HMG has the best VOF.
  • A crossfire VOF is placed as well, since there are two PDFs into the Woods.
  • Since both German units are also spotted when they enter, the US Unit also opens fire, on the Squad (because they are closest). An "S" VOF is placed on that card (R2C5).
  • PDFs are placed, with the main effect being that the HMG firing through the Hedgerow (R2C4) clears the PC marker from that card. Thank goodness for small favors.
  • Also added both German units to the Mission Log.
  • Finally, changed Contact Level to Engaged!, since 2 cards have VOF markers.
Orchard/Grove (R1C3) Contact
  • Potential Contact C (2 cards at "Engaged!") - No contact found
Village (R1C2) Contact
  • Potential Contact C (2 cards at "Engaged!") - No contact found.
My decision to push forward 3/1st Plt to find cover in the Village does not lead to disaster, although 1/2nd Plt has enough trouble on its hands to make up for any luck I had!

Combat Effects Segment

To keep things simple, I will resolve left to right and top to bottom.
  • US 1/2nd Plt in Woods (R1C4) - H VOF is -3; -2 for Exposed; -1 for Crossfire; +2 for Card; +1 for Cover. Final Modifier is -3. Result is PIN, so 1/2nd Plt is Pinned.
  • German 1/1 Plt in Orchard (R2C5) - S VOF is 0; +1 for Card; +1 for Foxholes. Final Modifier is +2. Result is PIN, so 1/1 Plt is Pinned.
I change the VOF on R2C5 to All Pinned (+2) as a result.

I reduce German 1/1 Plt and HMG Ammo by 1.

Clean Up Phase

All of the Exposed Markers are removed.

All in all, pretty lucky beginning, especially Combat Effects for the US 1/2nd Plt!

Fields of Fire: Normandy Campaign - Mission 1 - Setup


The map is dominated by a 2 level Hill, surmounted by a hedgerow, at R2C3. But it is also characterized by a lack of cover which means that the plan is not 100% dictated by terrain.
  • Row 1 features a Village (R1C2) and a Woods (R1C4).
  • Row 2 has a pair of hedgerows (R2C3, R2C4).
  • Row 3 has a Hedgerow (R3C2) and a Woods (R3C4).
Other than that, terrain is either +1 or +0.

  • Primary Objective: Hedgerow (R3/C2)
  • Secondary Objective: Woods (R3/C4)
  • Attack Position: Hedgerow, 2 Hills (R2/C3)
I admit that I am a little nervous about my attack position, since its height means I could be putting enemy contacts 2 rows past the Limit of Advance.

I considered the Cemetery (R2C2) which would be good if I get a heavy building cover. But there is just 1 cover potential and I would have to set my Secondary Objective as either the Orchard or Open field...and neither is attractive.

The Plan:
  • 1st PLT will set up in the center and start by taking the Village (R1, C2). The Upper floor will make a good place for the HMG. From there they can branch out to take the AP or Cemetary, before heading for Objective 1.
  • 2nd PLT will take the right flank and either go straight for Objective 2, or help take the AP, if needed.
  • 3rd PLT is on the left, waiting to see what develops.

In terms of setup, I don't think there's much to be surprised about.

Weapons Team Assignments:
  • 1st PLT: 1/Wpn (MG), 1/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/1st
  • 2nd PLT: 2/Wpn (MG), 2/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/2nd
  • 3rd PLT: 3/Wpn (Baz), Rifle Grenade given to 3/3rd
  • Company: 1/60mm Mortar, 1/.50cal HMG
I took the 3-step mortar, because I want to be able to use indirect fire.

  • Red (RSC, RSP, RS) = Cease Fire
  • Green (GSC, GSP, GS) - Advance, infiltrate if possible, toward PO
  • Yellow - Shift fire, left if possible
  • Purple - Shift fire, right if possible
Command Assets:
I won't bother noting who has radios, since that is self-evident from the setup.
  • XO HQ: GSP; RSP; Phone Line
  • 1st SGT: Phone Line
  • 1st PLT HQ: Green, Red, Yellow Smoke; Smoke; WP; 3 Phone Lines
  • 2nd PLT HQ: Purple Smoke; Smoke; WP; 2 Phone Lines
  • 3rd PLT HQ: Phone Line
And with that, I should be ready to go...