Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage (Delenda est Cartago)

After playing several games of We the People, Dennis and I decide to brush up on the rules for Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage and give it a try. Dennis takes Carthage, while I take Rome.


Rome draws a campaign card and, lacking anything truly better to do with it,uses it to start the turn and place PCs in Dertosa, Tarraco, and Illerda, to force Carthage to spend some time cleaning up her backyard before heading to Italy. As it turns out, that's not the ideal spaces for this initial placement, since Carthage is able to immediately block off further PC play from Rome with PCS of her own in Azaila and Iberus, plus one in Taurini for good measure.
Rome follows that up with PC placement in Verona and Mutina, to challenge Carthage in Gallia Cisalpinia, though probably at a later date. meanwhile, there are rumblings from Spain that Hannibal is on the move with his army, dropping 1CU in Dertosa to convert that space and proceeding with the bulk of his army to Narbo in Massilia. Unfortunately, on the way an Epidemic hits his army, costing him 2CU while he rests in Narbo.

Carthage secures Idubeda by placing a PC in Bilibis and flipping the PC in Dertosa. Rome, meanwhile, build up her army in Rome with 2CU of auxiliaries from Etruria. And Carthage use Diplomacy to flip the Roman PC in Ilerda, leaving Rome with just a single space in Idubeda (Tarraco) to show for their first card play.

Anticipating Hannibal's arrival and a few military setbacks, Rome places a PC at Rhone in Gallia Cisalpinia. And they don't have long to wait for carthage's Campaign. While Mago consolidates the forces in Spain into New Carthage, Hannibal marches across the Alps, losing 2CU on the way, and straight through to Mutina.

The news of Hannibal's arrival causes a panic and an upsurge in military recruiting, with 2CU of auxiliaries arriving from Samnium to bolster Rome's armies. Meanwhile, Gallic Recruits join Hannibal, offsetting his 2CU attrition losses in the Alps.
As 218BC draws to a close, Hannibal suffers 1CU attrition while wintering in the hostile environs of Mutina.

The Province count is even (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (C)
  • Western Numidia (C)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (C)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (C)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (R)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (R)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)


Carthage places 1CU in Carthage (now 5), 2CU in New Carthage (now 5), and 1CU with Hannibal in Mutina (now 5 +2 elephants). Rome Places all 5CU in Rome (now 15CU). Longus will remain as proconsul, since I want his 2 rating to improve my chances of being able to move him into Italy where he will soon be needed. If I get rid of him, I may get unlucky and get a 3 leader there and no 3 cards with which to move him. The consuls for 218 are Fabius and Marcellus, both placed in Rome. At least I will have good generals with which to face Hannibal this turn.

Rome starts the year by placing PCs in Druentia and Narbo, in anticipation of losing battles to Carthage and recalling Longus from Sicily to the mainland with his Army, making it as far as Rhegium. Hannibal, meanwhile, reinforces his army with a host of Ligurians and secures control of Mutina and Numantia before moving forward. he leaves a garrison at Firmum Picenum to secure control and puts his main army in Numantia.

Longus marches his army by force to Numantia to take on Hannibal. The battle teeters on the brink for a long time, but in the end, Hannibal has just enough resources available to pull out a victory. Hannibal loses 2 units from his Army, while Rome loses 3 during the battle and 2 more on the retreat to Beneventum. When news of the loss becomes known, Rhone and Druentia drop their allegiance to Rome. After theb attle, Hannibal secures his current position, flipping PCs in Ariminum and Firmum Picenum.

Looking to inflict yet more losses on Hannibal's army, Fabius leads his Army from Rome to attack. In this case, however, Hannibal has chosen his ground extremely well and Fabius is keenly aware that he is at a great disadvantage. When Hannibal sends out a Probe, Fabius takes the opportunity to retreat from battle. Neither side suffers any battle losses, though Fabius loses 2CU retreating back to Rome. Narbo throws off Rome's influence as a result, though Rome quickly send envoys to restore order in the city.

The people of Lilybaeum, meanwhile, revolt against Roman rule, and a small force of Carthaginian sympathizers takes over the city. Marcellus leads a small consular Army back to Sicily, where he deals roughly with the traitors. But, as 217 draws to a close, the people of Sardinia and Corsica revolt against Rome also, and all Roman influence is removed from the islands.

Marcellus, wintering among the unfriendly populace of Lilybaeum suffers 1CU attrition losses. And the isolated pocket of Roman sympathizers in Verona are also removed. As a result of the growing popularity of Hannibal, Narbo ping-pongs back out of Roman control.

The Province count is: 9 for Carthage; 8 for Rome (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (C)
  • Western Numidia (C)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (C)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (C)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (R)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (N)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)


Marcellus loses 1CU Wintering in theh ostile environs of Lilybaeum. he is, however, retained as Proconsul while P. Scipio and Nero are elected Consuls.

The years starts with a battle for control of Sardinia. Rome places PCs in Lilybaeum and Carales. Carthage responds with PCs in Oristano, Sassari and Nuoro. Rome closes the space off with PCs in Aleria and Narbo. As things stand right now, Carthage controls the province.

Hannibal moves his force to Sena where he drops a CU, then back to Falerii, where P. Scipio intercepts him. Hannibal has an off day, missing 2 attempts to counter-attack after Roman Probes, and in the end is forced to withdraw, losing 2CU and an elephant.
Nero attempt to capitalize by moving up from Benevenutum to attack while Hannibal is off balance, but Bad Weather forces him to stop in Rome.

Despite the setback, Hannibal Charms Italy and puts his army into motion again. He removes the Roman PC in Sena, gathers up his far-flung garrison forces, and ends in Ariminum.

Marcellus, meanwhile, boards Galleys and sets sair for Sardinia to restore Roman control, landing in Sassari.

Hannibal places a PC in Sena, while Marcellus flips the PC in Sassari and Rome regains control of Sardinia but loses control of Samnium.

The year ends with a whimper as Carthage places PCs in Verona, Salmantica, and Numantia. Rome places a PC in Druentia and adds 2CU of Allied Auxiliaries (Lucania) in Rome.

The Province count is: 9 for Carthage; 8 for Rome (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (C)
  • Western Numidia (C)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (C)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (C)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (C)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (R)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)
Rome removes PCs in Druentia and Nice.

215-214 BC

Carthage places 1CU in Carthage (now 7), 2 in New Carthage (now 9), and 1 with Hannibal in Ariminum (now 5 plus 1 elephant). Rome places 1 in Falerii (10), 3 in Rome (10), and 1 in Sassari (7). Marcellus remains the proconsul in Sassari. The consul Nero is placed in Rome and Consul Fabius in Falerii.

Carthage allows Rome to go first, and Marcellus moves to Oristano in Sardinia, to continue he reconquest of that island. Carthage places 2Cu worth of Iberian Recruits in New Carthage (11). Rome flips the PC in Oristano and places PCs in Nice and Nemausus. Carthage reinforces Hannibal with 1CU (6CU plus 1 elephant).

Carthage has a Messenger Intercepted, and is forced to give a card to Rome. An Epidemic breaks out in Rome, and Nero loses 3CU from his forces. They are quickly replaced by 2CU of Allied Auxiliaries from Campania who have heard great things about the available disease at Roman camps.

While Rome is thus occupied, Carthage unleashes a Major Campaign. Mago and 7 CUs ifromNew Carthage attenpt to sail to Lilybaeum, but they encounter disaster along the way and the entire force is lost at sea. With the landing force at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, Carthage calls of further campaign activities.

Rome, having survived a near-miss, continues to make preparations for offensive action of her own, placing a PC in Rhone. A Truce is declared as Carthage seeks time to rebuild her Army. But Rome's preparations for a Major Offensive are too far along, and the Truce is broken almost as soon as it has started.

Fabius+10 attack Hannibal in Ariminum, with 15 cards to his 12. A Spy in Enemy Camp carries off some details of Rome's battle plans to Hannibal, which he uses to cause a long stalemate on the battlefield and eventually withdraw in good order to Mutina after having lost just 1CU and a PC in Salmantica. The offensive continues with Marcellus+7 returning to Rome, freeing up Nero+9 to move to Firmum.

Carthage use their last card to place PCs in Araceli and Salmantica, leaving Rome with 3 cards to play.

PCs in Firmum and Arminium are flipped, returning Samnium to Roman control.

Marcellus+7 moves to Firmum, pick up 3CU, and then attack Hannibal in Mutina. It's a disaster for Carthage. Hannibal attempts to withdraw after just one round, and is thwarted. He loses the battle in the next round on a Double Envelopment. His entire force is wiped out in retreat. Hannibal is captured and quickly disposed of by the vidictive Romans. As news of the disaster spreads, Sena, Araceli, Numantia, Segovia, Salmantica, Vescera, and Thamugadi all lose faith in Carthage.

Rome ends this most fortunate of turns by flipping the PC in Mutina and adding a PC in Sena.

The Province count is: 9 for Carthage; 9 for Rome (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (C)
  • Western Numidia (C)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (C)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (C)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (R)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (R)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)

213-212 BC

Carthage places 1 CU in Carthage (8CU) and 3 CUs in New Carthage (7CU). Mago returns to action in Carthage while Gisgo goes to New Carthage. Rome places 4CU in Firmum (10CU) and 1CU in Arminum (10CU). Marcellus remains as proconsul, while Longus in Arminum and Nero in Firmum take over as consuls.

Both of us had very bad hands this turn which led to a fairly uneventful turn.

Iberian Recruits flock to Carthage's aid, bringing his army in New Carthage to 9CU. Nero takes an Army of 10CU to Lilybaeum to protect Sicily, but Storms At Sea turn the trip into a hellish experience and only 6CU remain when he debarks.

A series of PC placements follows. Carthage places PCs in Thamugadi, Segovia, Salmantica, Numantia, Araceli, and Vescera while Rome places a PC in Druentia, moves Longus to Verona and flips a PC there, and uses Diplomacy to flip the PC in Taurini, taking control of Gallia Cisalpinia.

Carthage further builds his forces in Carthage (to 9CU) while Hanno Counsels Carthage that forces should not leave Africa. Then Numidia Revolts, removing all PCs in Western Numidia.

And, to end the turn, Nero takes 10CU to Tarraco in Hispania awaiting the arrival of Scipio Africanus.

The Province count is: 7 for Carthage; 10 for Rome (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (C)
  • Western Numidia (N)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (C)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (R)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (R)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (R)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)
Carthage removes PCs in Thumugadi, Salmantica and Numantia.

211-210 BC

Carthage places 2 in Carthage (11) and 2 in New Carthage (11). Rome places 5 CUs in Rome (5) and places Scipio+5CU in Tarraco in Hispania (15). Marcellus remains Proconsul in Mutina, Varro goes to to Verona (10), Longus to Rome.

Rome leads the turn off, playing a campaign card to place PCs in Western Numidia: Icosium, Saldae, Tupusuctu. Carthage later places PCs in the remaining spaces, Zuccabar and Vescera.

A Carthaginian Naval Victory makes naval movement difficult this turn for Rome.

Scipio begins campaigning in Hispania, dropping 1CU in Carthaginian-controlled Illerda while moving the bulk of the army to the Dertosa. He then consolidates his position, converting both Illerda and Dertosa.

Carthage tries to shore up its position in Hispania, placing a PC in Salmantica.

Varro leads his 10CU from Verona back to Rome.

Hasdrubal takes 10 CUs up the coast and attacks Scipio at Dertosa. The see-saw battle rages for hours, but in the end hadrusbal is forced to flee the field. Both sides leave 2CU on the field, while Hadrusbal loses 4Cu in retreat to the safety of Saguntum.

Scipio follows up his victory with a further movement into Hispania. He takes 9CU to Illerda where he picks up the lonely garrison, only to drop it off in Iberus, and another in Azalia before he reutrns himself to Dertosa.
Corsica and Sardinia Revolt, removing all Roman PCs from Corsica and Sardinia, for the second time. Rome responds with PCs in Oristano and Sassari. Carthage follows up with PCs in Aleria, Nuoro and Carales, taking control. Thwarted, Rome takes revenge in Hispania, converting Iberus and Azalia.

Hanno takes 3 CUs and moves cross country to Saldae in Western Numidia, in the hope of retaking that province for Carthage. Unfortunately, a Numidian Ally allows Roman to place PCs in Sitifis, Thamagudi and Cirta. So even though Carthage is able to convert Saldae, the rest of Western Numidia is cut off and isolated PCs are removed from Vescera and Zuccabar.

The Province count is: 6 for Carthage; 11 for Rome (* = not counted):
  • Carthaginia (C)
  • Carthage (C)
  • Eastern Numidia (R)
  • Western Numidia (R)
  • Baetica (C)
  • Orospeda (C)
  • Celtiberia (C)
  • Idubeda (R)
  • Gallia Cisalpinia (R)
  • Etruria (R)
  • Samnium (R)
  • Latium (R)
  • Campania (R)
  • Apulia (R)
  • Lucania (R)
  • Syracuse (R)
  • Sicilia (R)
  • Corsica Sardinia (C)
  • * Balearic Islands (C)
  • * Gallia Transalpinia (N)
  • * Massilia (N)
  • * Liguria (N)
Carthage removes PCs in Araceli, Numantia, Bilbilis, Salmantica, Thevestis and Zama.

209-207 BC

Carthage places 1CU in Carthage (now 9), 1CU in Saguntum (now 5), and 2CU in New Carthage (now 3). Rome places 1CU in Mutina (10), 2CU in Rome (17), and 2CU in Dertosa (13). Varro and Longus both return as consuls, in Rome. Marcellus and Scipio are Proconsuls.

209BC start when Sophonsiba Seduces a Numidian Kin, placing a Carthage PC in Thevestis, and flipping PCs in Cirta and Sitifis.

Scipio then sets his Army into motion in Hispania. Scipio takes 9CU to Azaila, where he picks up 1CU, goes through Bilibis to Segovia, where he drops a CU, and then settles in at Segobriga. Hadrusbal intercepts him there. Once again, Scipio and Hadrusbal fight a long see-saw battle which this time ends with the encirclement and elimination of Hadrusbal's army.
The repercussions of the loss sends shockwaves through Thevestis and Corduba, but Carthage quickly moves to quell any uprising, re-establishing control over those areas. Scipio, meanwhile, consolidates his gains, placing PCs in Saltimanca, Segovia, and Segobriga. Scipio sends details of his plans for the next phase of operations to Rome, but the Messenger is Intercepted.

Marcellus, long vacationing with his army in Mutina, finally moves back to Western Rome, placing his army in the port of Cosa, to await further instructions.

Carthage continues to shore up it's political situation, placing PCs in Zuccabar and Vescera in Western Numidia.

Rome then launches a Major Campaign.
  • Scipio takes his army to Segovia (pick up 1CU), Toletum, Solaria (drop 1CU), and ends in Laminium.
  • Longus takes 3CU from Rome and Sail to Carales in Corsica/Sardinia.
  • Marcellus takes 10CU and sails to Icosium (Western Numidia), then moves overland to Saldae, in an attempt to attack Hanno.
Hanno attempts to avoid battle, but Marcellus is able to force him into a fight. This battle is a short and relatively bloodless affair, which Rome wins (1CU v 2CU losses).

At this point, Carthage sues for peace.


The defeat and loss of Hannibal certainly turned this game around quickly. Prior to that I felt like I was doing OK keeping Italy close, while waiting for Scipio, but was always just a small disaster away from a big problem. Once Hannibal was off the board, Rome had plenty of time and space to rectify the political situation in Italy, then move the fight to Africa once Scipio showed up.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here I Stand (HIS105) - Ongoing

Ed Beach--the designer of this game--and Mark Greenwood graciously offered to referee multiple games, providing a learning experience for new players and a matchmaking service for getting multiple players together. HIS 105 is one of those games.

    Turn 1

    Luther's 95 Theses:
    Wittenberg, Brandenburg, and Lepizig all convert to the Protestant cause. Stettin and Breslau remain Catholic.

    The English conclude negotiations with the Hapsburgs and French with no announcements.

    Diet of Worms:
    Protestants play Knights of St John, Papacy plays Mercenaries Grow Restless, Hapsburgs play Field Artillery. The Protestants get 6 dice while the Catholics get just 3. The dice favor the Catholics, however, and the Diet ends inconclusively with no spaces changing sides.

    Spring Deployment:
    The Ottomans deploy to Nezh, threatening the Hungarians in Belgrade. The Hapsburgs deploy to Innsbruck, threatening the French in Milan. Britain deploys to Calais, with unclear intentions. France deploys to Lyons, to protect Milan.

    Action Phase:
    The Ottomans beseige and then assault Belgrade, taking control of the key space. Barbary Pirates also appear in Algiers, threatening commerce throughout the Mediterranean.

    The Hapsburgs move on Milan (led by Ferdinand) and Metz (led by Charles V). Charles' forces are rebuffed when they attempt to assault Metz. Francis I hires mercenaries and moves to defend Milan for the French. In a pitched battle before the city, Francis I defeats the Hapsburgs.

    The Papacy take control of Florence with the assistance of Siege Artillery, carting off her riches to aid in the building of St.Peter's.

    The Protestants spend a good deal of time translating the New Testament into German, and will complete that project next turn. The Protestants also publish 2 treatises which enables them to make attempts to reform Madgeburg (succeeds), Lubeck (succeeds), Stettin (succeeds), Erfurt (succeeds).

    The British declare war on Scotland and France declines to intervene. One suspects that an unannounced deal of some sort exists between France and England.

    Both the British and French send out explorers to the New World.

    New World Phase:

    • Hapsburgs: Orellana discovers the Pacific Strait, and attempts to Circumnavigate the globe, but instead finds the inside of a cannibal's kettle. 1VP for the Pacific Strait
    • British: Rut does his level best but in the end is only able to make it back to England with his own skin.
    • French: Roberval is second to the Pacific Strait, but chickens out on circumnavigation and discovers the Amazon River instead. 2VP for the Amazon River.
    • Hapsburgs: Cortez fails in his attempt to conquer a native civilization.
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 12VP
    • Hapsburgs: 10VP
    • England: 9VP
    • France: 15VP
    • Papacy: 19VP
    • Protestant: 2VP

    Turn 2

    The Hapsburgs and Papacy announce an alliance. The Hapsburgs give the Papacy a mercenary unit.

    No declarations of war.

    Spring Deployment:
    A Venetian Informant gives the Ottomans valuable information on the Hapsburg plans for the turn.
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, Ibrahim and 12 CU to Szegedin, threatening the remaining Hungarians in Buda.
    • Hapsburgs: Ferdinand and 4 units to Modena, threatening Milan.
    • English: Henry and 7 units to Berwick, threatening the Scots.
    • French: Francis and 4 units to St.Dizier, threatening Metz.
    • Papacy: 1 unit to Nuremburg to hamper the Reformation.
    Action Phase:

    The Turks launch a Surprise Attack against Buda, eliminating the entire garrison (8CU) in one fell swoop. They follow up their win cautiously, converting Mohacs with a small detachment, but the bulk of the Army remain in Buda until Winter.

    The English forces move against the Scots in Edinburgh, while their navies take up stations in the North Sea, blockading the Scottish port and bottling up her fleet. A series of assaults against Edinburgh damages the Scottish forces, but they are still hanging onto the city at turn's end.

    Meanwhile, on the continent, Charles V reinforces his army with a glut of mercenaries, most of them going to Vienna to defend against the Turkish horde. Charles himself leads a force from Besancon to beseige Metz. Francis I recruits mercenaies and leads his French forces to oppose Charles at Metz, bringing along Field Artillery. Despite the advantage of artillery, the field battle results in heavy casulaties (3CU) to both sides and both sides are forced to retreat from Metz.

    Charles is named Defender of the Faith and reinforces his Army (for another move against Metz) as well as the fort in Besancon. The French also reinforce and move on the Hapsburg fortress at Besancon, which they conquer. Francis I's mercenary army rises up in revolt however, and Francis is forced to spend resources paying them. While France is distracted paying her mercenaries, Charles finally manages to conquer the independent-minded people of Metz.

    Leo X dies early in 1524 and Clement VII becomes the new Pope. He believes his predecessor did not take an active enough stance against the Reformation and vows to challenge it head-on. His first action as Pope is to excommunicate the heretic Zwingli and call for a theological debate in Germany.

    Cajetan is sent by the Holy See and Carlstadt is designated to oppose him on the Protestant side, though at the last minute, Luther arrives to replace Carlstadt. After days of debate, Luther and Cajetan have made little progress and both men are exhausted, so Eck takes Cajetan's place and Melanchthon takes Luther's place. Eck outperforms his Protestant counterpart, bringing the people of Erfurt and Zurich back into the Catholic fold.

    And then a perfect storm hits for the Protestants!

    First, the Papal mercenaries in Nuremburg desert, depriving the Papacy of much-needed muscle against the spread of the Reformation. Then the Printing Press is unveiled to the world, which will enable the Protestant faith to spread more rapidly this turn. It's immediate impact is limited, with Erfurt and Hamburg rejecting the Protestant faith and only Brunswick converting. The naming of Charles V Defender of the Faith enables the Pope to re-convert Leipzig to Catholicism, though the people of Brunswick and Erfurt are unmoved.

    The Pope calls for a second debate, hand-picking Aleander as his representative. Aleander is tongue-tied against Bucer, however, and as a result Kassel and Nuremburg convert to the Protestant faith.

    Luther completes work on the New Testament translation and, aided by the printing press, word spreads like wildfire. Soon everyone in Germany is reading the Bible for themselves and free-thinking becomes a dangerous epidemic. Erfurt, Leipzig, Hamburg, and Mainz all convert. Koln and Bremen remain staunchly Catholic.

    Then the Protestants, whose cup is brimming over with high-value cards, complete work on the Old Testament as well! Bremen, Munster, Koln, Worms, and Augsburg all convert! Only Trier remains loyal to the Pope.

    Since all Protestant reformers are committed and without any spaces ripe for conversion, the Pope calls for yet another debate. But the luck of the draw does not help the Pope. Campeggio is forced to take on Luther who despite being tired is able to hold off Campeggio and force a second round. The Papacy sends Tetzel out and Melanchthon shows up for the Protestants. In the end, the Pope is lucky to escape with no damage done against the best two Protestant debaters!

    As 1527 winds to a close, Luther publishes a final treatise, converting Trier, while Regensburg remains loyal. In the end, Germany is a sea of protestant spaces!

    Ottoman Pirates are active in the Mediterranean, garnering VP for the Sultan.

    France sends an Explorer to the New World. England sets up a colony at Roanoake. The Hapsburgs set up a colony in Hispaniola.

    New World Phase:

    • French: Cartier circumnavigates the globe for 3VP!
    • Roanoake: Nothing
    • Hispaniola: Nothing
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 18VP
    • Hapsburgs: 12VP
    • England: 9VP
    • France: 18VP
    • Papacy: 17VP
    • Protestant: 6VP

    Turn 3

    Diplomacy: The Pope and Hapsburgs renew their alliance.

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, Ibrahim, and 9CU deploy to Buda, threaetening Vienna
    • Hapsburgs: Charles and 5CU deploy to Cartagena, threatening Algiers
    • English: Henry and 7CU deploy to Berwick, threatening the Scots
    • French: Francis and 6CU to St. Dizier, threatening Metz and other Hapsburg holdings
    • Papacy: 1CU to Brunswick to try to beat back the Reformation
    • Protestants: None

    Action Phase:

    Suleiman moves his army to Vienna, while the Duke of Alva leads his forces in a strategic withdrawl to Graz in the face of the Turkish host. Suleiman neglects to secure his lines of communication and a rebellion breaks out in Buda, returning the city to Hungarian/Hapsburg control and cutting Suleiman off. Suleiman dispatches Ibrahim and 4CU to Buda, to deal with the upstart Hungarians. And, as if things could not get more fragmented for the invading Turks, Roxelana calls Suleiman back to Istanbul just as the Duke of Alva leads his forces in an attack against the Turks in Vienna. The leaderless Turks still manage to hold the field by sheer dint of numbers, sending the Hapsburgs back to Graz. Charles joins his army in Graz, but is never able to put his forces into motion against Vienna and by turn's end, the Ottoman are in possession of the Hapsburg capital.

    Ibrahim's's attempt to assualt Buda faces stiff opposition from the small Hungarian garrison. Two successive waves of Turkish fighters are driven back with losses, without making so much as a dent in the walls of the city. A third reinforced wave finally manages to storm the city and deal with the Hungarians.

    Henry leads his Army back into Scotland to continue the assault on Edinburgh. The assault is short and brutal, and Henry flies the flag of England over the ramparts at Edinbugh, alongside the heads of traitors on pikes.

    Content with his holdings, Francis adds onto his Chateaux and sips wine, but only briefly before he puts his army into motion against Metz, beseiging the Hapsburg city. His absence and constant fighting with Charles V leads Charles Bourbon to join the Hapsburg cause, raising an army in Avignon. Francis, alarmed at news of the insurrection, resolves to complete his seige of Metz before dealing with the Bourbon traitor, and is able to do so after just one assault on the cities walls. His attention no longer diverted, he gives orders for mercenaries to be raised in Marseille and Lyon to protect them from Bourbon's army.

    With virtually no spaces in Germany suitable for book burning, the Pope calls a Leipzig debate and sends Eck as his personal choice. Word reaches Luther late, and he barely arrives in time to replace Carlstadt. The sudden substitution flummoxes Eck, who is unable to make a single coherent argument. He loses the debate to Luther and along with it, the Pope loses control of Strasburg and Salzburg.

    The Schmalkaldic League forms and suddenly Germany is not only under Protestant religious influence, but also under Protestant political influence. The lone Papal CU in Brunswick is feeling a tad isolated as a result.

    Undeterred, the Pope calls for another debate, hoping to take advantage of the committed Luther and Carlstadt and get Carlstadt into a debate. Unfortunately for the Pope, not only does Luther show up for the Protestants, but Tetzel is the only debater available to the Pope. Amazingly, Tetzel goes toe-to-toe with Luther and forces a second round to the debate. Once again, the Pope scrapes the bottom of the barrel to come up with Cajetan, who will face the uncommitted Bullinger. Cajetan out-debates Bullinger, and the two worst Papal debaters manage to sway Bremen and Hamburg back to the Catholic faith.

    Luther responds by penning a pair of treatises and distributing them to the few remaining Catholic centres in and around Germany and Switzerland. Innsubruck, Basel, Zurich, and Regensburg all convert to the Protestant faith.

    In response, the Pope excommunicates Luther and calls for yet another debate. The Pope sends Campeggio as his representative and, with Luther unavailable, Bullinger must stand up for the Protestants, from among the committed debaters. The weary Bullinger is not up to the task, and Campeggio's exhortations sway the people of Strasburg. From his hiding place, Luther responds in kind, calling for his own debate. Melanchthon takes on Contarini, defeating the Pope and changing the minds of the fickle citizens of Strasburg.

    Henry VIII, unable to conceive, divorces Catherin of Aragon and marries Anne Boleyn. Unfortunately for Henry, Anne is no more successful producing an heir than his previous wife.

    The Protestants scribble away on a French version of the New Testament. The Pope hires mercenaries to defend Florence and replace the papal unit stationed in Brunswick which is dying off deep in the heart of Protestant territory. The Hapsburgs bulk up their armies and fleets in Antwerp and Brussels. The Ottoman raises Janissaries in Coron and Istanbul. Pirates attack Hapsburg possessions in the Mediterranean, losing a corsair, but carting off some of their riches in the process. The Genoese, fearful of the Ottoman Prates, throw their lot in with the Hapsburgs.

    The Hapsburgs start a colony in Cuba while the English send an Explorer into the New World.

    New World Phase:

    • English: Willoughby discovers the Great Lakes for 1 VP.
    • Roanoake: Card for England
    • Hispaniola: Nothing
    • Cuba: Card for Hapsburgs
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 21VP
    • Hapsburgs: 11VP
    • England: 12VP
    • France: 21VP
    • Papacy: 16VP
    • Protestant: 19VP

    Turn 4

    • The Hapsburgs and Papacy continue their (thusfar ill-fated and ineffective) alliance
    • The French and Papacy declare a White Peace
    No declarations of war.

    Spring Deployment:
    A Venetian Informant gives the Ottomans valuable information on the Hapsburg plans for the turn.
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, and 8 CU to Vienna, to continue their battle with the Hapsburgs
    • Hapsburgs: Ferdinand and 5 CU to Cartagena, intentions unclear.
    • English: Henry and 5 CU to Calais, threatening the continent.
    • French: No deployment.
    • Papacy: No deployment.
    • Potestant: No deployment.
    Action Phase:

    The Turks move their navies into positions in the Ionian Sea and Barbary Coast and bolster the defenses of Algiers. But the threat appears to be to Vienna instead. Charles Bourbon appears with an Army in Prague, ready to fight with the Turks. Charles relocates to Linz and hires 5 mercenary CUs to join him there, although 2CU worth of Landsknecht desert him soon afterwards. Unsanitary Camp conditions hamper the Ottoman forces, reducing them by 3CU.

    Roxalana call Suleiman home (again), leaving the Turk forces to the mercy of Charles and his Bourbon Army allies, who immediately attack. Charles is finally successful in battle, driving the Turkish forces from Vienna (although a token force is left behind the battlements) despite the best efforts of the Janissaries to salvage the situation. After a brief seige, Charles defeats the Turkish remnant force and returns Vienna to Hapsburg control.

    Charles success emboldens the citizens of Belgrade. The City State Rebels and Bulgarians seize control of Belgrade.
    Ottoman pirates attack and their forces are decimated (3 corsairs lost) in exchange for taking a fleet down (to prevent another VP for the Turks).

    England finishes taking control of Scottish spaces (Glascow, Stirling), and moves her navy into the English Channel before declaring war on France. The English move on Rouen and build forces in Calais. The French intercept in Rouen, dealing 4 hits to the English's 3 hits, in a bloody repulse. After the battle, the French build up their forces and bolster their defenses in Paris.

    Henry reinforces his army and moves against Paris, setting up a seige. Francis brings a seige relief force to Paris immediately and defeats the English, sending them into a headlong retreat. A lull follows, during which Henry builds up his forces in Calais and Francis reinforces his Armies in Paris and Rouen.

    Clement VII dies early in 1532 and his successor is Paul III. Paul wastes no time in excommunicating a young firebrand named John Calvin who has been stirring up trouble in France. Paul III then calls for a debate on French soil, hoping to stem the tide of the Reformation there before it gets started. Tetzel appears for the Pope and Farel for the Protestants. Tetzel is masterful and 2 spaces are converted back to Catholicism: Geneva and Brunswick.

    Despite his excommunication, Calvin puts the final touches on a French translation of the New Testament, which sweeps through France, converting Metz, Besancon, Geneva, and Grenoble. Liege and Lyon remain faithful to the Pope. He immediately follows that up with work on a translation of the full Bible.

    The Pope call for yet another debate on French soil, this time selecting Eck as his hand-picked representative, taking on the committed Farel. Eck finally manages to win a debate, although hope that he might do well enough to burn Farel is dashed. In any event, Becancon and Metz are flipped back to the Catholic side. Their conversion is brief, however, as a treatise by Luther sways them right back.

    Seeing the impact these treatises are having, the Pope decides to stage some book burnings in Besancon and Metz, to teach a lesson. Angry mobs are organized. Books are piled up for burning. But someone forgets the torches and neither space converts. Another angry mob is organized later in the year and this time they bring torches. Geneva, Besancon, and Metz all convert. The Pope decides to immediately follw this up with a debate, once again picking on the committed French debaters. Unfortunately, Contarini fails the Pope in his debate with Farel and loses a space back.

    The Old Testament translation is completed and Besancon, Metz, Liege, Lyon, Dijon, and Orleans all convert.

    Indugence Vendors have a particularly successful month, and 3CP flows into the building of St. Peter's.

    England sends an Explorer to the New World, the Hapsburgs send Cabot, and France sends an Explorer along with Mercator's Map. France adds a wing onto her chateaux and enjoys a fine wine. The Hapsburgs increase the size of their fleet in Naples. Copernicus brings some VPs to England.

    New World Phase:

    • France: Verrazano finds the Mississippi (1VP)
    • English: Chancellor is unable to find anything.
    • Hapsburgs: Cabot finds the St Lawrence (1VP)
    • Roanoake (Eng): Eliminated
    • Hispaniola (Hap): Card for Hapsburgs
    • Cuba (Hap): Nothing
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 17VP
    • Hapsburgs: 14VP
    • England: 14VP
    • France: 23VP
    • Papacy: 14VP
    • Protestant: 23VP
    France and The Protestants are both within 2VP of winning.
    Turn 4

    : The Pope and Hapsburgs renew their alliance. The Turks declare war on the French.

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, Ibrahim, and 1CU deploy to Nezh, threatening Budepest
    • Hapsburgs: Alva and 4CU deploy to Navarre, threatening Bordeaux
    • English: None
    • French: 2CU to Bordeaux to counter the Hapsburgs
    • Papacy: 1None
    • Protestants: None
    Action Round

    The year starts quietly enough...

    The Turks add Janissaries to their army and 2 naval squadrons which take up positions in the Barbary Coast. France adds a squadron in Rouen and mercenaries in Paris. England adds a squadron and moves fleets into the English Channel. Henry VIII announces the birth of a healthy boy, christened Edward. The Hapsburgs build a fleet of Galleons with which to cart treasures from the New World and send emmisaries with smallpox-laden blankets on a voyage of conquest to the new world. Francis adds a fourth wing onto his chateaux.

    Then Turkish Pirates attack the French port of Marseilles and gain 2VP for their efforts. Hapsburg troops pour through the pass from Barcelona to lay seige to Avignon where they eventually establish Hapsburg control. Charles V moves forces from Avignon to Marseilles, placing the port under seige. Treachery insures that Marseilles falls to the initial assault, despite the Hapsburgs suffering the only losses.

    He also sends a detachment from his army under Ferdinand to the electorate of Augsburg, placing the Protestant forces their under seige as well. The Hapsburgs identify the wek point in the Protestant defenses, swarming into the city and cause 3CU losses to the Protestants, while suffering no casulaties. Augsburg falls.

    The English attempt to transport an army to Calais, but Foul Weather turns them back. Instead they build a mercenary in Calais. The French seize the opportunity to attack Calais, but the army is inercepted in Boulogne by Brandon and a small force. Swiss Mercenaries join the English just in time for the battle, enabling the English to fight the French to a draw and force them to rereat. Smarting from his defeat, Francis sends out a call for more troops in Lyon and Rouen.

    Henry is finally able to make the trip across the Channel, landing with 4CU in Boulogne to join Brandon's army. The French recruit 3CU worth of mercs and move to Boulogne to attack Henry. The English fall back to Calais, however.
    The Pope, faced with the rapid spread of Protestants, sends Carrafa to organize book burning in Orleans, Dijon, and Metz, all of which revert to Catholicism. The Protestants respond with a treatise of their own, supported by Farel, which reconverts Metz. With Farel committed, the Pope calls for a debate in France, with Pole taking on Farel and winning one space back to Catholicism, which turns out to be Metz.

    The Protestants move a unit to Brunswick, one of only three Catholic spaces left in Germany and later converts the last remaining Catholic spaces in Germany: Brunswick, Bremen, and Hamburg. With germany lost, the Pope continues to burn Protestant hymnals in France, converting Lyon, although Besancon remains Protestant.

    Unhappy with the effect of flames on books, the Pope decides to see if he can put flames to human flesh. He calls for a debate and names Eck to appear, despite the fact that Eck has not yet lived up to his lofty reputation. Still, with the committed Farel opposing him, he may be able to torch a Protestant debater. But, Eck remian true to form and is only able to score a minor victory over Farel, converting Besancon. Besancon's conversion is short-lived, since the Protestant's publish a treatise and commit Calvin himself to disseminate it, which causes Besancon and Metz, but not Lyons.

    Resisting the urge to burn Eck and facing a shortage of uncommitted debaters, the Pope organizes two book burnings in France, which converts Besancon, Liege, Metz, and Grenoble. Building on that success, the Pope organizes a further book burning, converting Geneva but not Salzburg. The Protestants organize their own debate in Germany, with Bucer taking on Campeggio. As is typical in this game, the debate does not go as planned for the initiator, and the Bucer's debate win convinces Regensburg to come back to the flock. Treatises published in France, however, convert Liege and Metz.

    Fuggers pour resources into the Protestant coffers, though the rates are usorious. It does allow them to continue feverish work on an English translation of the New Testament. The Pope adds a little bit onto St. Peters. The Hapsburgs add a colony in Puerto Rico.

    The Persians are forced to send troops off to fight a War in Persia, but not before they retake Belgrade.
    New World Phase:

    • Hapsburgs: Cordova conquers the Inca (2VP) and the Inca treasure yeilds a card
    • Hispaniola (Hap): Card for Hapsburgs due to Galleons
    • Cuba (Hap): Eliminated
    • Puerto Rico (Hap): No effect
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 21VP
    • Hapsburgs: 17VP
    • England: 19VP
    • France: 22VP
    • Papacy: 16VP
    • Protestant: 19VP
    France and The Ottoman are both within a few VP of winning.
    Turn 5

    : A lot of activity on the diplomatic front:
    • The Papal/Hapsburg Alliance continues.
    • The Holy Roman Emperor accepts the loan of the Papal fleet. In payment for the loan, and prior considerations, the Hapburgs grant the Papal forces 4 mercenaries.
    • The alliance between England and the Hapsburgs continues.
    • The Hapsburgs loan the Dutch fleet to the English.
    • The Hapsburg war with France ends, under the following terms: France cedes control of Metz and Besancon to the Hapsburgs. France sends 1 mercenary to the Hapsburgs. The Hapsburgs cede Marseilles, Avignon and Nice to the French. Neither side shall be declared the victor or vanquished.
    • The Hapsburgs grant two mercenaries to the German Protestants.
    Declarations of War
    • TBD
    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: TBD
    • Hapsburgs: TBD
    • English: TBD
    • French: TBD
    • Papacy: TBD
    • Protestants: TBD

    Here I Stand (HIS 110) - Ongoing

    A second game of HIS, refereed by Mark Greenwood again, like HIS 105 which I am also participating in.

    Turn 1

    Luther's 95 Theses: Wittenberg, Breslau, and Leipzig become Protestant. Brandenburg, Madgeburg, and Erfurt all remain Catholic.

    Diplomacy: Nothing is announced between England and either the Hapsburgs or the French.

    Diet of Worms: Protestants play Unpaid Mercenaries (3) for 7 total dice. Hapsburgs play Fountain of Youth (2), Papacy plays Shipbuilding (2) for a total of 4 dice. Two spaces are gained for the Protestants: Nuremberg and Mainz.

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman and 7CU deploy to Nezh where they threaten Belgrade.
    • Hapsburgs: Charles and 4CU deploy to Navarre, threatening Bordeaux.
    • English: Henry and 3CU deploy to Berwick, threatening the Scots or a naval move.
    • French: Francis and 2CU to Bordeaux, countering the Hapsburgs.
    • Papacy: None
    • Protestants: None
    Action Phase:

    The Ottomans place Belgrade under seige and take the key space from the Hungarians, then turn their attention to the Mediterranean where the Barbary Pirates emerge. The people of Genoa join the Holy Roman Emperor in his struggles as a common cause against the Pirates, deploying fleets to protect as much as possible against the pirates. But the Pirates avoid them and attack shipping off the coast of Messina, gaining 2VP for the Ottoman.

    The Protestants complete the New Testament translation. Although the Bible sweeps through germany, only Worms and Nuremburg join the Protestant cause. Anababtists remove Protestant influence in Leipzing and Nuremburg, while Augsburg, Trier, Cologne, and Madgeburg all remain staunchly Catholic despite access to the Bibles. Luther makes a start on translating the full Bible, hoping to find more success there.

    Clement VII becomes the new Pope and immediately excommunicates Francis I of France. The people of Grenoble and Avignon go into unrest at the news, but Francis responds swiftly, building military units and threatening to use them against the revolting cities. The people of Grenoble simmer down as a result, although Avignon remains in unrest.

    Sensing an opportunity, Charles V's Genoese allies lead a naval attack which destroys the French Fleet in Marseilles, while Charles leads an army which lays seige to the port city. Unfortunately for Charles, his seige is unable to take the city by the time the campaign season ends.

    Montmorency is implicated in the French troubles and removed for the turn as a Threat to Power.

    The English build army and navy units, mostly on the Scottish border, but take no offensive action against the Scots. The French cart off the artistic treasures of Milan for their chateau. The English and French both send Explorers to the New World and build colonies.

    New World Phase:

    • Verrazano discovers the Great Lakes for the French.
    • Willoughby is lost at sea for the English. Very few people outside of his family even notice.
    • Narvaez makes no discovery and unfortunately for the Hapsburgs, makes it back to Spain.
    • Cordova makes no conquest and returns to Spain for the Hapsburgs.
    • Jamestown could have produced a card for the English had Galleons been available, but they are not.
    • Charlesbourg Royale produces nothing for the French.
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 14VP
    • Hapsburgs: 10VP
    • England: 9VP
    • France: 14VP
    • Papacy: 18VP
    • Protestant: 1VP

    Turn 2

    Diplomacy: England declares war on Scotland.

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman and 8CU deploy to Belgrade, threatening Buda
    • Hapsburgs: Ferdinand and 4CU deploy to Besancon, threatening Metz
    • English: Henry and 8CU deploy to Berwick, threatening Edinburgh
    • French: Francis and 5CU deploy to St.Dizier, challenging the Hapsburgs around Metz
    • Papacy: None
    • Protestants: None
    Action Phase:

    Ferdinand leads the Hapsburg forces against Metz. The French immediately come to the defense of Metz, although they lose a battle at the outskirts of the city and are forced to retreat, leaving the seige in place. The Hapsburgs hire a large number of mercenaries and complete the assault on Metz before the French can regroup. Unfortunately, Ferdinand forgets to pay the mercenaries, and all of them desert him as soon as the assault is finished, carting off the wealth of the city in lieu of proper payment.

    Henry leads the English into the Highlands to beseige Edinburgh, while fleets station themselves off-shore to prevent re-supply. It takes two assaults to subdue the dogged Scots, but in the end, the English flag is flying over Edinburgh.

    The introduction of the Printing Press enables conversion of Madgeburg, Trier, and Innsbruck. The Pope excommunicates Luther and calls for a theological debate hoping to stem the tide before the full Biblical translation is completed. Unfortunately, Campeggio is no match for Zwingli, and Augsburg and Erfurt are converted into Protestant cities. The printed translation of the Old Testament spreads like widfire, and when the dust settles, Nuremburg, Kassel, Cologne, Munster, Brunswick, and Bremen all see the light of the Protestant faith. The Pope calls a second debate in which Eck outshines Carlstadt, returning Nuremburg to the Catholic faith. But Luther publishes a treatise during his excommunication, which sways Hamburg and Lubeck to the Protestant faith. By turn's end, Germany is more Protestant than Catholic.

    The Ottomans move forward along two axes. Suleiman attacks Buda, defeating the Hungarian army stationed there, though a token force retreats within the city's fortifications. The loss at Buda crushes Hungary, and the Hapsburgs must come to their rescue, though at the moment there are no Hapsburg forces in the area to oppose the Turks. Only the end of the campaign season will protect Vienna in the short-term. Ibrahim, meanwhile, invades Rhodes and eliminates this outpost of the Knights of St. John.

    In other developments, Henry appeals to the Pope for a divorce from his infertile wife. The Venetians ally themselves with the Pope. The Pope completes a phase of development on St.Peter's. And Ottoman pirates are ineffective against the Pope.

    The Hapsburgs, French, and English all send explorers into the still uncharted New World. The Hapsburgs also send out a conquistador.

    New World Phase:

    • Chancellor discovers the Mississippi River for England (1VP)
    • Roberval is lost at sea for France
    • DeVaca discovers the St Lawrence for the Hapsburgs (1VP)
    • Cordova conquers the Inca for the Hapsburgs
    • Jamestown produces riches for England (1 card)
    • Charlesbourg Royale is unable to produce anything for France
    • Cordova carts off the Inca riches but exhausts their usefuleness (1 card, depleted)
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 18VP
    • Hapsburgs: 15VP
    • England: 12VP
    • France: 14VP
    • Papacy: 17VP
    • Protestant: 6VP

    Turn 2

    • The Hapsburgs and English agree to an alliance
    • The Hapsburgs and French agree to an alliance
    • The Hapsburgs cede control of Metz to France for 1 card from France
    • English send one card to the Pope in exchange for granting a divorce from Catherine of Aragon
    • The English roll a "4" on the pregnancy chart and a girl is born

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, Ibrahim, 10CU, 2 Cav to Buda, threatening the Hapsburgs
    • Hapsburgs: Duke of Alva and 4CU deploy to Genoa, threatening Algiers and other naval moves
    • English: H1CU to Stirling, to keep an eye on the Scots
    • French: 1CU deploy to Metz, protecting the newly aquired key
    • Papacy: None
    • Protestants: None
    Action Phase:

    The Turks waste no time advancing on Vienna. Charles falls back to Brunn with 6CU while the remainder cower behind the city's fortifications. Suleiman sets up his forces for a seige, but Unsanitary Conditions cause the loss of 5CU, including two cavalry. To make matters even worse, Roxalana calls Sulieman back to Istanbul.

    He is only there a short time before a Revolt in Egypt requires his attention, so Suleiman and 3CU head off to fight the rebels. After a brief pause to make a deal with The Fuggers, Suleiman deals ruthlessly with the Egyptian traitors, wiping them out in abloody battle that claims the lives of 2 Ottoman CU as well. Suleiman immediately gathers 3Cu and returns to Vienna.

    And then Charles goes on the Offensive. His Hungarian Allies place Buda under seige while Charles attacks the Turks in Vienna. Charles has an advantage in Field Artillery and Suleiman is caught sleeping after his arduous journey from Egypt, allowing Charles to make a Surprise Attack. 8 of 12 Ottoman CU are destroyed before they are ready for battle. Suleiman hastily calls upon the Jannisaries to help him escape, and they take a fearful toll, eliminating 4 Hapsburg CU.

    Charles follows Suleiman's retreat to Pressburg and attacks again hoping to catch the Turks before the regroup. Suleiman is up to the challenge, however, beating back the Haspburgs and dealing 3CU worth of losses while suffering 2CU of their own.

    Suleiman shifts to the offensive in this see-saw battle and attacks Buda. The small beseiging force fights courageously and beats back Suleiman, but they are decimated and when Suleiman returns, they are no longer an effective fighting force and Suleiman enters the city unopposed.

    Charles recruits some mercenaries and moves on Buda. Suleiman, having gotten word of his approach, slips away to Szegedin without a fight. A seige is established, and the city falls shortly thereafter to a determined Hapsburg assault.

    Meanwhile, in Italy, the Duke of Alva leads Hapsburg forces against Florence, defeating the defenders of the city and placing it under seige. The first assaults fails, but a second assault enables the Hapsburgs to take the city, although the cost was high (3CU).

    Barbarossa and his fleet attack the Hapsburg fleet at Messina. In a massive naval encounter, the Turks lose a naval squadron and a Corsair, while the Hapsburgs lose a single naval squadron. Responding in kind, the Hapsburg fleet attacks the Turks at anchor in Algiers. The Hapsburgs lose one naval squadron, while the Turks lose 2. The naval battle rages on in the Mediterranean, with Pirates raiding Trieste, but to no effect.

    Early in 1528, Clement VII dies and Paul III succeeds as Pontiff. He immediately sets to work on St. Peters. Luther, meanwhile, publishes the first Protestant Hymnal, featuring the smash hit A Mighty Fortress, which causes waves of Protestant fervor to sweep through Stettin, Nuremburg, Leipzig, Regensburg, and Salzburg. Basel remains Catholic.

    The Protestants continue to press ahead with a translation of the New Testament in French while the Pope burns copies of the Protestant hymnal and german translations. the people of Trier and Salzburg are cowed into returning to the Catholic faith. The triumph is short-lived, however, as Luther immediately responds with a treatise, and the pliant population of the two cites allows themselves to be wooed back to the Protestant faith.

    The Pope then calls for a debate, naming Eck as his hand-picked debater and challenging the committed Protestant debater Bucer. Eck wins the debate, although perhaps not as definitavely as the Pope would have liked. Salzburg changes religion again.

    The Protestants, in response, for the Shmalkaldic League to protect themselves bodily as well as spiritually. They also publish yet another treatise which returns the confused citizens of Salzburg to the Protestant faith ("if this is Wednesday, I must be Catholic, right?"). Basel, by contrast, remains Catholic.
    In 1529, Anne Boleyn slipped and fell onto an axe, which chopped her head off by mistake. Henry marries Jane Seymour almost immediately, and they produce a rather sickly child, albeit a male child, who is christened Edward.

    England sends Cabot out to explore, while the French and Hapsburgs follow suit with Explorers of their own. The Hapsburgs also send out a Conquistador, although he gets lost enroute when the Protestants play Search for Cibola. England increases the size of her navy, the Pope increases the size of her forces, those of her Venetian allies, and the splendor of St. Peter's. France increases the size of her chateaux. The Protestants pull Marburg Colloquy from the discard pile.

    New World Phase:

    • Cartier sails for France but makes no discoveries
    • Orellana sails for the Hapsburgs but makes no discoveries
    • Cabot sails for England, discovers the Pacific Straights (1VP), but is lost at sea attempting to circumnavigate.
    • None
    • Jamestown is unable to produce anything for England
    • Charlesbourg Royale is unable to produce anything for France
    Victory Determination Phase:
    • Ottoman: 16VP
    • Hapsburgs: 16VP
    • England: 18VP
    • France: 17VP
    • Papacy: 17VP
    • Protestant: 19VP

    Turn 3

    • The French declare war on the Hapsburgs

    Spring Deployment:
    • Ottomans: Suleiman, 2CU to Belgrade, to protect her interests
    • Hapsburgs: Charles and 2CU to Buda, threatening the Turks
    • English: Henry and 6CU to Calais
    • French: Francis+8 to Bordeaux
    • Papacy: 4CU to Ravenna
    • Protestants: None
    Action Phase:

    The Turks start the year by placing Janissaries in Nezh, near at hand for Suleiman, and later moving them to join him in Belgrade. Those same Janissaries Rebel later, throwing their Home keys of Salonika and Edirne into Unrest. Unrest in Edirne is dealth with harshly, while 1Cav is built in Sofia and a Corsair in Algiers. The unrest in Salonika is subsequently also dealth with, while a Cav is built in Edirne and 2 Corsairs in Algiers.

    Pirates move into the Ionian Sea and attack Trieste, yeilding a VP for the Turks. The Hapsburg fleet moves into the same area shortly thereafter to oppose the pirates.

    The Hapsburgs convert Pressburg, reopening supply to Charles in Buda.

    The Hapsburgs build mercenaries in Navarre and move the Duke of Alva and 2CU to join them there. France crosses into Spain, laying seige to Navarre. A scandal erupts in the Spanish court, the Duke of Alva is implicated as a Threat to Power, and forced to flee for the time being, leaving his troops in Navarre without a leader. France follows up with three separate assaults on Navarre before wresting control from the Hapsburgs.

    England declares war on the Hapsburgs. Fleets move into positions in the English channel and North Sea. henry and 8CU beseige Antwerp. Additional units are built in Calais in case Henry requires reinforcement. The seige of Antwerp is concluded quickly thereafter, with the loss of 1CU to Henry's army.

    Henry's army does not rest for long. Antwerp is brought under English control, a garrsion is left in Antwerp, and new nercenaries picked up from Calais en route to Brussels, which is placed under seige. The seige does not last long before Brussels and Liege are both brought under English control.

    The Hapsburgs do not go quietly, of course. They raise a mercenary army in Beancon and place the French key at Metz under seige.

    The Defender of the Faith enables the Pope to get a start on counter-reformation attempts, with Geneva and Salzburg converting, but Trier remaining loyal to the Protestants. The Protestants counter with the Marburg Colloquy, committing Melanchton and Zwingli. When the dust settles, Grenoble, Metz, Liege, and Basel convert while Salzburg and Besancon remain true to the Holy See. Calvin is expelled from Geneva just before the Protestants complete their New Testament translation, which converts Strassburg and Besancon to the Protestant faith while Lyon, Brussels, Dijon, and St. Dizier remain Catholic.

    Anabaptists convert Bremen and Hamburg back to Catholicism. In response, the Protestants build up 1Cu worth of mercenaries in Bremen to hold the line against the Catholics. Eck takes on the uncommitted Protestant Olivetan in a debate, which goes to a second round in which Cajetan takes on Farel. In the end, the Papists get the best of the debate and Besacon returns to the Catholic faith.

    Tetzel follows up with an unsuccessful book burning in which geneva and Strasbourg both remain staunchly Protestant. To make matters even worse for the Pope, Luther publishes a treatise which returns the German cities of Bremen and Hamburg to Protestant control. Retaliatory book burnings in Metz and Grenoble change no one's mind.

    The Hapsburgs are declared Master of Italy (1VP). They also send a Conquistador and an Explorer to the New World. The English establish a colony at Roanoake. The French send an explorer to the New World. The Protestants continue translation on the French Bible and pull Augsburg Confession from the discard pile.
