Monday, September 04, 2006

Pax Romana 104: Scenario 5 - Turn 1/2 Interphase

Attrition and Isolation Phase
  • Greece loses Galleys in Salonis and Sidon.
Victory Phase: GOP
  • Carthage: 4 home provinces, Sardinia, Corsica, W Sicily, Gallaecia, Lusitania, Baetica, Terraconensis (11 total) = 11GOP
  • East: 5 home provinces, Lycia, Pontus, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Crete (11 total) = 11GOP
  • Greece: 5 home provinces, Ionia, Galatia (7 total) = 7GOP
  • Rome: 3 home provinces = 3GOP
Victory Phase: CVP
  • Greece: Towns: Pella, Corinth, Sardis, Cities: Athens, Tarentum = 9CVP
  • East: Towns: Nicomedia, Side; Cities: Antioch, Alexandria = 8CVP
  • Rome: Towns: Capua, Venusia, Paestum; Cities: Roma = 6CVP
  • Carthage: Towns: Utica, Lilybaeum; Cities: Carthage = 5CVP
Victory Phase:Victory Points
  • East gets 3VP for 8CVP (2nd place) and 5VP for 11 GOP (t-1std) = 8VP
  • Greece gets 5VP for 9 CVP (1st place) and 2VP for 9 GOP (3rd) = 7VP
  • Carthage: 0VP for 5CVP (4th place) and 5VP for 11 GOP (1st place) = 5VP
  • Rome gets 1VP for 6CVP (2nd place) and 0VP for 3GOP (4th place) = 1VP
Victory Phase:Stability
  • Carthage: +4 for provinces. Stability = 7
  • Rome: +1 for home province, -1 for VP. Stability = 7
  • The East: +4 for provinces, +1 for VP total. Stability=8
  • Greece: -1 for provinces, -1 for capital. Stability = -1

Turn 2

  • Carthage: (Bergidum +1, 1 Terr, 11 Prov, 5CVP) = 18T+3T = 21T
  • Greece: (Ionia +1, 1 Terr, 7 Prov, 9 CVP) = 18T+6T = 24T
  • Rome: (Italia +1, 1 Terr, 3 Prov, 6 CVP) = 14T+6T = 20T
  • The East: (Egypt +2, 1 Terr, 11 Prov, 8 CVP,+5 Baghdad Booty Call, -1T Crete through Rhodes) = 26T+0T = 19T
Unfortunately, the Successor Wars hit The East as a result of their Baghdad Booty Call roll. The HI at Cyrene attacks Arsinol, both HI are flipped, and then the Garrison at Arsinol is destroyed in the ensuing retreat.

Leader Selection
  • Carthage: 2-6 in Carthage, 1-3 in Merida
  • East: 3-5 Elite in Alexandria, 1-4 in Phasis
  • Greece: 1-4 in Athens, 1-4 in
  • Rome: 1-5 in Rome, 2-3 in Venusia
Manpower Phase
  • Rome: LG in Rome, 4LG in Venusia; maintain 1LG in Rhegium
  • East: HI in Cyrene, 2HI in Side; maintain 3GS, 1HI in Arsinol
  • Greece: 2 HI in Tarentum, 2 HI in Pella; maintain 4GS
  • Carthage: 3 HI in Carthago; maintain 5GS