- Greece loses Galleys in Salonis and Sidon.
- Carthage: 4 home provinces, Sardinia, Corsica, W Sicily, Gallaecia, Lusitania, Baetica, Terraconensis (11 total) = 11GOP
- East: 5 home provinces, Lycia, Pontus, Cappadocia, Cilicia, Crete (11 total) = 11GOP
- Greece: 5 home provinces, Ionia, Galatia (7 total) = 7GOP
- Rome: 3 home provinces = 3GOP
- Greece: Towns: Pella, Corinth, Sardis, Cities: Athens, Tarentum = 9CVP
- East: Towns: Nicomedia, Side; Cities: Antioch, Alexandria = 8CVP
- Rome: Towns: Capua, Venusia, Paestum; Cities: Roma = 6CVP
- Carthage: Towns: Utica, Lilybaeum; Cities: Carthage = 5CVP
- East gets 3VP for 8CVP (2nd place) and 5VP for 11 GOP (t-1std) = 8VP
- Greece gets 5VP for 9 CVP (1st place) and 2VP for 9 GOP (3rd) = 7VP
- Carthage: 0VP for 5CVP (4th place) and 5VP for 11 GOP (1st place) = 5VP
- Rome gets 1VP for 6CVP (2nd place) and 0VP for 3GOP (4th place) = 1VP
- Carthage: +4 for provinces. Stability = 7
- Rome: +1 for home province, -1 for VP. Stability = 7
- The East: +4 for provinces, +1 for VP total. Stability=8
- Greece: -1 for provinces, -1 for capital. Stability = -1
Turn 2
- Carthage: (Bergidum +1, 1 Terr, 11 Prov, 5CVP) = 18T+3T = 21T
- Greece: (Ionia +1, 1 Terr, 7 Prov, 9 CVP) = 18T+6T = 24T
- Rome: (Italia +1, 1 Terr, 3 Prov, 6 CVP) = 14T+6T = 20T
- The East: (Egypt +2, 1 Terr, 11 Prov, 8 CVP,+5 Baghdad Booty Call, -1T Crete through Rhodes) = 26T+0T = 19T
Leader Selection
- Carthage: 2-6 in Carthage, 1-3 in Merida
- East: 3-5 Elite in Alexandria, 1-4 in Phasis
- Greece: 1-4 in Athens, 1-4 in
- Rome: 1-5 in Rome, 2-3 in Venusia
- Rome: LG in Rome, 4LG in Venusia; maintain 1LG in Rhegium
- East: HI in Cyrene, 2HI in Side; maintain 3GS, 1HI in Arsinol
- Greece: 2 HI in Tarentum, 2 HI in Pella; maintain 4GS
- Carthage: 3 HI in Carthago; maintain 5GS