Action Phase
Note: Between turns a discussion came up regarding Rome's last AM. The rules used at the time regarding the battle at Callurgis and retreat were discussed. I won't try to reproduce the discussion or solution, but suffice it to say that Rome attacked and took Bergidium instead, and the situation in Hispania looks roughly like this:
There are also some changes to end of turn Income and CVP/GOP which I am not going to attempt to rectify above. It'll all come out in the wash when we end this turn. And the VP did not change.
The East has the first AM.
- Major Move: The 3-5 Elite leader activates. He creates 3 garrsions from an HI, then leaves behind 2HI, 1Cav, and 1 Elephant before embarking ships for The Chersoneses. A Garrison is left in Pharsis, a Garrsion and HI in Phanagoria, a Garrison in Heraclea, and a Garrison in Tyras. The Elite leader returns the way he came and ends in Trapezus.
- Minor Move 1: Garrison in Melitene moves to Amida in Armenia.
- Minor Move 2: Garrison in Sebastia moves to Trapezus.
- Minor Move 1: Garrison in Emporiae to Massilia.
- Minor Move 2: An LG from Bergidium attampts to slip past Carthage at Callurgis, but is intercepted and destroyed.
- Major Move: The 1-3 leader in Rome activates, with 6 Legions. They board ships and sail to Narbo where they pick up 3Cav before debarking in Emporiae and occupying Illerda.
Greece is up next.
- Major Move: Activate the 2-6 leader in Coricum. He attacks the 4BI tribe in Virunum. It requires two assaults, but the tribe is defeated. An LI is broken down into 2 garrsions, one is left in Virunum, while the rest of the Army moves to attack the 4BI in tribe in Brigantum. Two more determined assaults are required, but this tribe is also eliminated.
- Minor Move 1: Town in Virunum.
- Minor Move 2: HI in Celenae (Asia Minor) moves to Cyzicus, embarks ships, then sails to Coricum in the Danube.
Greek national command authorities were recently stunned by unauthorized redeployment of forces from Ionia. The commander of the moving forces, Retro Krade, stated that: "The sheep and goats on Celenae are fine animals, but it's too damn cold and we miss our wives." When asked why he allowed his homeland to risk losing control of Ionia, Krade's response was, "Where's Ionia?"Carthage then makes her own move.
- Major Move: Activate the 1-5 leader in Callurgis, who moves to attack the Romans occupying Bergidium. They succeed in eliminating the Legion stationed there, at the cost of a reduced HI. The Carthaginians then plunder the city, taking 2T from Rome, before moving off to drop the reduced HI in Emerita Augusta and then returning to Bergidium.
- Minor Move 1: Repiar the walls of Bergidium (2T)
- Minor Move 2: Garrison in Toletum to Emerita Augusta.
- Minor Move 1: The Greeks attempt to return the LI in Gythium to Ionia, but the troops will not hear of it.
- Minor Move 1: The Greeks attempt to return the garrison in Gythium to Ionia, but the troops will not hear of it.
- Major Move: The 2-6 in brigantum is activated. Leaving behind a garrsion, the army enters Germania Superior, first visiting Novio Magus where an LI is left behind, then moving against the remnants of the tribe in Besontio (1BI), which are swepts aside with no losses.
- Major Move: 2-3 leader in Alexandria activates and moves with 1 HI, 1 LI, dropping off the LI in Cyrene, and finishes in Arsinol.
- Minor Move 1: The LI from Pelusium sails around the entire maw of the Eastern Mediterranean to Tarsus where it fails a continuation, disembarks and splits into 2 Garrisons.
- Minor Move 2: One of the Garrisons in Tarsus moves to Myra.
- Major Move: Activate 2-5 leader in Carthage, 2 HI, Cav and Elephant. They embark ships and sail for Hispania, debarking in Gades. They then move overland to Emerita Augusta where they drop off 3 HI, before moving off to Bergidum to join the rest of the Carthaginian Army.
- Minor Move 1: 1-5 leader in bergidium moves to Emerita Augusta, trading commands with the 2-5 leader.
- Minor Move 2: Fleet from Malaca sails to Tingi.
- Major Move: The 1-3 leader in Illerda activates and leaves Hispania to take out frustrations on the Gauls. The Army moves to attack the 6BI tribe in Lugdunum, which suffer 4BI of losses, but remain in possession of the space. The Romans slink back to Nemausus.
- Minor Move 1: LG in Numantia leaves Spain for the town of Tolosa.
- Minor Move 2: Garrison in Massilia to Antimilitum.
- Minor Move 1: Garrison in Gythium embarks and sails back to Cyzicus.
- Minor Move 1: The LI in Sardis is orderd to move, but never manages to go anywhere.
- Major Move: The 2-6 leader in Besontio leaves a Garrsion behind and moves off to attack an 8BI tribe in Aquae. It requires 3 attacks, and a Greek HI is reduced, but the tribe is finally subdued.
- Minor Move 1: LG in Tolosa activates and moves to Tarentum.
- Minor Move 2: LG in Rome activates and moves to Barium, hemming in the slaves.
- Major Move: 1-3 leader in Nemausus renews his attack on Lugdunum, eliminating the tribe. The army continues its rampage through Gaul, attacking Georgovia's 5BI tribe next and eliminating them in a single battle. A legion is left in Georgovia, while the remaining army returns to Lugdunum.
Carthage is next up, paying the remaining 1T to Rome for peace in Hispania.
- Minor Move 1: Garrison in Emerita Augusta to Toletum.
- Major Move: 2-5 leader in Bergidum takes 2Cav, picks up two HI in Emerita Augusta and then sails back to Lilybaeum.
- Minor Move: HI at Emerita Augusta picks up the 1-5 leader and moves to Salamantica.
- Major Move: 1-3 leader in Lugdunum activates, moving deeper into Gaul to attack a 7BI tribe in Cenebaum. Two attacks are required to eliminate the tribe, with no losses to Rome. A legion is left behind in Cenebaum, while the army presses forward to Lutetia.
- Minor Move 1: Legion in Rome to Barium, continuin to hem in the Slaves revolt.
- Minor Move 2: The garrsion in Albimilitum moves to occupy Lugdunum in the army's absence.
The Greeks have the next Am and unveil Galley Technology - The Harpax, giving them an advantage at sea, should they need it.
- Major Move: Activate the 2-6 leader in Aquae. he leaves a garrison behind then attacks the 7BI tribe in Mogantacum. Three assaults are required, resulting in a reduced HI, but the tribe is finally subdued, giving Greece control of Germania Superior. The reduced HI is left behind while the army settles in at Argentorate for the winter.
- Minor Move 1: LI in Crete breaks into two garrisons
- Minor Move 2: Create Town in Cnossos
The East's 4th AM comes out next. Pontus emerges as a sovereign kingdom, placing an army of 4HI, 2LI, 1Cav in Amastris and a Pontus AM into the pool.
- Major Move: The East's Elite General in Trapezus is activated. He splits an HI into 3 Garrison troops, leaving one in Trapezus and Sinope on the way to Ancyra.
- Minor Move 1: HI in Side to Seleucia.
- Minor Move 2: Garrison in Tarsus to Seleucia.
- Major Move: 2-5 in Lilybaeum activates and attacks the Mamertines, defeating them after two assaults and occupying the space.
- Minor Move 1: Galley squadron in Lilybaeum to Messana.
- Minor Move 2: HI Aalamantica to Bergidum, bringing the leader along.
- Major Move: King Pontoon of Pontus, in a frightful temper attacks the Greek city of Nicomedia, though his force is driven back after eliminating the garrison and inflicting damage to the walls.
- Minor Move 1: HI in Amastris throws itself against the walls of Nicomedia, taking the town from the Greeks.
- Minor Move 2: The Pontus galley defeats the Pirates marauding in the waters between Amastris and Byzantium.
- Major Move: Activate the The Elite 3-5 General who leavs 1 HI in Ancyra before attacking and taking Nicomedia from Pontus. He leaves 2HI in Nicomedia, then moves into Ionia, destroying the Greek Garrison in Cyzeus, where he leaves a garrison before attacking the Greek town of Abydos. When it is then pointed out that the "town" in Abydos is actually a Garrison and a Galley squadron, the Elite leader decides to "sleep it off."
- Minor Move 1: Garrison in Seleucia to Iconium.
- Minor Move 2: City in Arsinol.